Thursday, November 29, 2012

oskar and wallace.

i sometimes make an effort to not endlessly talk about our cat.
but now that we've adopted a second cat, i think all bets are off.
thusly, here is the story of oskar. and wallace.
Photo Nov 20, 12 47 26 PMed

 we got wallace on sort of half a whim. we had always talked about getting a second cat, and had looked longingly at kittens when we stumbled on adoption fairs. but we had always decided our apartment was probably too small. (it's not, as it turns out).

it was a fateful saturday night when we were stopping in for some litter and cat grass (how is it that i've now mentioned cat grass twice on my blog) and CAWS had an adoption fair set up right in the store!

anyways. we saw wallace. we liked wallace. we wanted to take wallace home. however. we decided to responsibly wait a day and make sure it was a good decision. (also this might be a good time to mention that we originally thought wallace was a boy. and named jake. finding out she was a girl named ginger suprisingly did not sway us)

19 hours later we were back at petsmart, and nearly an hour after that we had two grey cats in our apartment.

Photo Nov 18, 5 32 56 PM

but this story isn't really about me and brian. (although we really really like our newest family member) this story is about oskar and wallace.
oskar was not that pleased that we brought a friend home for him. for two days all we heard from him was hissing and a loooooow growl. he actually did a pretty good impersonation of me when i'm overstressed and low on chocolate chips.
but wallace was relentless in her pursuit of oskar's affection. she would sneakily try to cuddle with him when he was already asleep.
Photo Nov 21, 2 57 48 PM  

and sometimes when he wasn't....
Photo Nov 21, 4 58 00 PMed
and then suddenly (and a little surprisingly, considering the level of pissed oskar had reached) they became friends!
Photo Nov 23, 2 09 32 PMed
Photo Nov 24, 5 00 24 PMed

 i would even go so far to say that now they're BEST friends.
Photo Nov 27, 2 40 32 PMed
Photo Nov 22, 3 14 52 PMed

and now i think we're officially a cat family. which i'm into.
it's better than being like...a ferret family.
Photo Nov 22, 3 12 53 PM
in conclusion. everyone should get pets. and probably a second pet.
because your first one needs a friend!

1 comment:

  1. This is by far the greatest thing on the internet. You've got two and a half pictures of spooning cats. SPOONING CATS! Wallace's failed attempt made me chuckle and I vote that picture gets blown up and hung in your home.

    Really, this is the best.
