Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Good News/Bad News

good news.
I got a new job!

bad news.
I have to quit my current job, which I like, and say goodbye to my co-workers, who I love. 

good news.
I get to spend the weekend with Hailey and Elise in Park City!

bad news.
Janiece can't come : (

good news.
The newest season of Neighborhood Listen is amazing.

bad news. 
It will be over soon.

good news.
We have a friend spring break trip this month!

bad news. 
It was already postponed once because SOMEONE'S family was throwing up. (cough cough)

good news.
I ate an amazing banh mi for lunch.

bad news.
It tore the shit out of my mouth.

good news.
Ev passed his egg allergy test!

bad news. 
He ate a cupcake and everywhere the frosting touched turned into a rash.

good news.
The kids are all sleeping in the same room!

bad new. 
No bad news! Sometimes it's tricky but having my bedroom back makes it all one million percent worth it. We've splashed out on a new mattress cover and nicer pillows to celebrate. Please let me live most of my life in bed.