Wednesday, April 28, 2010


night classes are the bane of my existence.

but! tonight marked the very last night class of my collegiate career. here's hoping that if i do someday decide to pursue a masters degree the horror that is a p.m. class will no longer be a presence in the educational system.

it's just...i have problems focusing in a 50 minute class. stick me in a desk for two and half hours and things are bound to happen.

like tonight....somewhere between risk analysis and germ theory my mind starts to wander...

like....does the same company make all the zippers? i've noticed YKK insignia on all of them. is that the kind of zipper? the brand? do the zipper company executives just take money baths and drive off in a zipper-doored porsche?

also. why is there such a discrepancy in the heating choices available in my car. in what universe would i not want both my torso AND my feet warm?

and lastly. what are the chances of me getting my final papers done in a timely manner? i'm going to optimistically say....nonexistent. (and that was my optimistic side. be worried...) oh well...this side of next week it won't matter. it will either be done or it won't. i'll either be graduating or living in a box. (or parent's basement.)

wish me luck.

and happy dead week.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

as i walk-a walk-a walk-a walka-a walk-a walk.

right now, at this very moment, i am supposed to be sitting in my medical sociology class. why am i not there you ask? that's the best part.

i have no idea.

i have heard people cite pregnancy brain and fiance brain as genuine afflictions....and i think my condition is comparable. or possibly worse. it's called senior apathy with an added dose of spring. i was once accused of having a "crazy, spring-obsessed alter ego" (hannah's words...) i will not deny this. i would pretty much live outside right now, if there was some kind of shower system set up...

i've been walking a lot more lately. (and by lately i mean the past five-ish days. my travels have taken me to work, the store, the post-office....)
the reasons are three-fold. one, the weather is crazy good. two, gas is expensive, and i am poor. and three, i fear my lack of post-graduation plans will soon lend me to soak in self-loathing and chocolate and get really really fat. i am determined to not let this happen.


in my travels as of late i've seen some cool stuff. (well....deemed cool by me. you may choose to agree or disagree...)
  • a girl waiting patiently while her boyfriend nearly toppled over whilst admiring a pile of ants.
  • someone's yard still bedecked with an "obama/biden 2008" sign. i'm glad they still support.
  • people in various states of undress, soaking up the sun like there's no tomorrow. (there are some pasty white people in logan)
  • scooters. everywhere. EVERYWHERE. i am so filled with jealousy. it's entirely possible i spent equal amounts of time today writing my paper and looking at mopeds on KSL.
  • cute old men and old ladies walking their dogs, or heading to the store or the bus stop. sometimes i can't wait to be elderly...
thus ends this edition of Travels With Lacy. i hope this will be a regular installment.
happy spring-ing!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

but for now we are young, let us lay in the sun, and count every beautiful thing we can see...

happy list. april 14th and 15th, respectively.

- hearing mxpx at jamba.

- actually consuming the recommended amount of fruit a day.

- good movies. like this one.

- sunshiney walks with friends.

- a clean fridge.

- the fed ex man blasting soft rock.

- five boxes of cinnamon life for 5 dollars. legit.

- suuuuuushi!

- a lovely nap.

- ice-cream for lunch (a direct side affect of "dentist face")

- night badminton. if it's possible, i'm even less coordinated in the dark.

- people who say hilarious things.

- sunshine!
photo found here

Monday, April 12, 2010

happy.happy. JOY

this may be the best thing that has happened to me so far in 2010.


you know those moments when you're standing in the bathroom using a flat iron to tame a ruffle on a dress that is currently on your body and your roommate walks by and and wrinkles her eyebrows at you and you just shrug your shoulders and continue on?

sometimes i think my whole life is a series of those moments...

Friday, April 9, 2010

swim! until you can't see land.

right now i'm thinking about ice cream. and how much i would like some.

but only in theory. because in actuality i'm quite full of pasta.

which makes me think about work, and about how many people are lackluster tippers.


also, some other things.

modern family is seriously hilarious.

i's almost on the brink of being actual springtime. if it snows one more time i will move forever away to california.

our rats have allergies. they have been sneezing a lot lately.

i miss my plants...

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

crush the camera.

sometimes i don't blog very frequently.

most times i think it's because i have nothing to say.

but actually the real reason (i've recently decided) is this; i have too much to say!

so much, in fact, that i fear it would come out in a garbled scary mess and frighten small children and some woodland creatures.

see? sentences like that one ^ are the very reason i often abstain (ha!) from the blogosphere. but no more! those too confused by my random musings will simply turn their attentions to another, more sensical blog. and i wish them the best. : )

some thoughts for today's blog....

the dentist is a scary, scary place. the sound of metal on enamel is enough to make a person's heart stop. eeeshk.

sushi is a device of satan. you can never, ever, ever, have enough.

walking into deseret book just makes me want to eat rolls...

doctors should never ever hug their patients. it makes them (read: me) feel awkward.

having three(ish) weeks of school left is the most exciting/most terrifying thing to ever occur in my life. i may suffer brain implosion soon.

related to the above - doing homework at this point is nearly impossible. it makes me think of other things i would rather be doing. like going to the dentist.........

this is my blog. below is a photo that i think is pretty. the end.