Thursday, November 15, 2012

new truths recently realized. or old truths more fully realized.

i like cleaning. i always knew i liked things clean, but living with roommates cleaning was always so irritating. "these are someone else's dishes, and this is someone else's bread crumb mess and WHO LEFT THEIR GROSS SOCKS ON THE COUCH?" and then when someone did eventually give in and clean, it only stayed that way for about 15 seconds. my point that i know it's just me and brian (and occasionally oskar) making things messy, i kind of really enjoy cleaning. when brian is gone to the library, i get home as fast as i can and clean all the things! because cleaning when i'm by myself is it's own special joy. i can't explain it. but it's great. 

i can't pretend that the things i get excited over are usually cool. but they've become even more lame. like when our silverware organizer came in the mail and i opened it before i even took off my coat. (and lest anyone think i'm really picky about silverware organizers, our kitchen came equipped with one drawer. one. and said drawer is too narrow to accomodate any regular and easily located organizer. thusly, to the amazon i went)

i've listened to skinny love many many many times. and i still don't know all the words. ashley reassured me by saying that justin vernon himself doesn't know all the words, and purposely mumbles them so he can make up new ones every time he sings it. i fully support this theory.

oskar the cat is like our child. i've always known this, but it's become even more evident. we talk about him (and to him) a lot, and send each other pictures of his adventures. and since he's the neediest of all the cats, i think he's good preparation for parenting.

i thought i would always be the one making poor dinner choices. but as it stands so far, brian has been the one to suggest both ice cream and marshmallow mateys for dinner. (not at the same time. although....that would probably be great) being a supportive wife, i chose to go along with his ideas.

my neighbors dog might make me dislike dogs. it just howls. for large portions of the day. like he's being continously squirted with a water gun or something. i'm not surprised oskar is always so desperate to go outside when i get home. he legitimately dislikes dogs and their noises.

spider plants are suprisingly resiliant. i wouldn't say i've been trying to kill ours. but...i haven't so much been actively working to keep it alive. however it just keeps on doing it's spider plant thing, and survives being watered like once a month.

the end.

1 comment:

  1. Ashley's theory is brilliant.
    So is this blog post.
    Like always.
