Monday, July 12, 2010


the thing is.....i'm really good at procrastination.

the thing is.....small things make me really really happy. like putting lots of fantastic music on my ipod. or reading outside. or really enjoying the skirt i purchased at the DI. (it's possible i did all those things today...)

the thing is.....i've only had 1 1/2 meals today...but i'm too lazy to go eat anything. my stomach is in protest. we'll see who wins out.

the thing is.....this summer is a whirlwind of activity and emotion that is just too much for me sometimes. i choose to deal with it by hiding out in my room.

the thing is.....i still have a large tote of kitchen items i haven't unpacked. the realization that it's pointless to unpack it now caused me several moments of deliberation.

the thing is.....having no direction is probably taking years off my life.

no big deal.

on to bigger and better things. like these pictures that i enjoy. all found here.

the end.


  1. The thing are my favorite. And forget the kitchen stuff. Eating on flatware is so overrated.

  2. Ooolalal, I love that TV/book picture. Clever! Just like you. :)

  3. Basically I love you and miss you. Two very strong emotions. Your blog is awesome and it almost makes me want to post something on the one Challis created...almost.
