Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Currently - April 21

Wow wow wow, this month had a semblance of normalcy? Except that anytime I go anywhere or socialize with anyone I’m completely wiped out afterwards. Although, it’s not like my before times life was totally devoid of that, but because it's been missing for so long, it feels really apparent now. We started off strong with a trip to Cross E Ranch for Baby Animal Days. June named all the bunnies and was obsessed with holding the chicks. Norah and June were excellent at brushing the goats, and they both got to ride a pony. (Was one of them riding very sadly because they didn’t snag the pony with the rainbow tail? Quite possibly). We celebrated Easter with an Easter egg hunt and brunch with friends. I love watching a group of kids descend on a yard littered with colorful plastic eggs. 

I got my first real cold in a year! It was awful and I was a baby about it, but did sleep 5 hours one day and that helped immensely. 

We met some neighbors that live downstairs that also have three kids that are almost the exact same ages as our kids! They’ve become best friends and it’s been so nice to just knock on their door to invite them outside or go to a park together. Can you believe we’ve lived in this building for 6 years and have barely ever had friends? Cause I can.

I tried to take the girls on some outings. We went on a meandering walk and ended up at the frisbee golf park. The frolfers were extra gregarious and the girls, who have always been happy to be at any playground, are extra thrilled after almost a full year away from them. I took Norah to Purring Buddha to pick out a crystal for a birthday gift, and she picked out two small moon shaped rocks for her and June. The next day I took June to Michaels where she declared most things “wonderful!” and formed an instant bond with a container of pink rocks. She said she will be asking for them for her birthday. 

Watching -

I finally got around to watching Unorthodox and it was just as good as everyone said! I watched it in three days (it’s only 4 episodes) and was immediately sad it was over. It took me a couple weeks, but I eventually got around to watching the short documentary about making it, which I definitely recommend as well. The final season of Younger came out and I’m caught up to the episodes they’ve released so far. I start every season of Younger being very side eye about all the scenarios but then I binge it.    

Reading - 

I’ve had the best reading month. All hits! Samantha Irby’s newest essay collection Wow, no thank you. I had no idea what The House in the Cerulean Sea was about going in, and I can recommend reading it that way. Truly one of the most delightful things I’ve read in a long time. Followed up my binging of the series by reading the memoir Unorthodox. I really enjoyed it and have her second book on hold as we speak!

Listening to - Everett babbling in the morning. June saying bagusting (disgusting). The Maintenance Phase podcast (the recent episode about Olestra was amazing).

Researching - 

Play kitchens. I’ve decided I’m tired of the one we bought 5 years ago, and since we have many years of kitchen style imaginative play ahead of us, I decided to get something that is cuter/has more storage.

Baby clothes. Not researching so much as filling up carts with summer baby clothes all over the internet and then abandoning them. 

How to roller skate. As per usual, I’m a good year behind on the trends and finally bought roller skates. Although, in my defense, I was extremely pregnant last summer so it’s probably best that I held off. 

Organizing - 

I decided to hedge my bets that it wasn’t going to snow anymore, and organized the shoe bins and coat rack and put the boots and gloves and snow coats back in their various storage spots. I’ve also been slowly going through my own closet, taking out winter clothes and things I still love but aren’t fitting right postpartum. Those things get stored under the bed to reassess next year. I have another big basket of things that I want to get rid of, and it’s just sitting there waiting for me to sort it into toss and donate/sell piles. Until then, the cats have really been enjoying using it as a bed. 

Cooking + Eating + Drinking - 

We got some great take-out this month. Thai, Indian, and chicken wings. The three pillars of the food pyramid. I made a new slider recipe that 3/4 of our family enjoyed. I finally tried Swig and was pretty underwhelmed. I’ll drink basically any coffee beverage instead. 

Grateful for - 

Honestly, I'm struggling in this area. Obviously I'm so grateful for my family, our health, and out ability to pay our bills and care for our children. But I'm feeling very bogged down by just *gestures* all this.

What the girls are into - 

This month June ended her reign of crib-sleeping and figured out how to climb out (and land on Norah's bed...). This led to a fun adventure where neither of the girls wanted to sleep at night, ever. I don't feel like people understand how fully your entire family can be terrorized by a 3 year old. (we've sort of turned a corner with this, luckily. It was a rough few weeks)

Brian took them both to the dentist for their 6-month checkup and, as per usual, they were thrilled to be there. This sounds sarcastic, but no, my children really and truly love going to the dentist. The tv in the ceilings, new toothbrush, and gumball machine toy combine to create a very satisfying experience for both of them.

Norah started responding "totally" to things instead of "yeah" or "yes". I love it. She's also been lip-syncing very earnestly to whatever is on. Her current jam is Vanessa Carlton and Halsey.

June will name the cars she sees on the way to daycare. Generally they have fruit names, and she imagines where blueberry and lemon might be going after we part ways. She's also big into car singing, but she prefers to belt out Moana and Frozen.

What Everett is doing - 

This has been the biggest month of Ev's life. He started conducting business from his exersaucer. He turned 6 months old. He had a second tooth pop out. And he got to start eating meals with us. So far he is a big fan of tomatoes, oranges, and french toast. He likes to start his mornings with a few nice loud screeches to which Brian has proclaimed "aw, he has a song in his heart!"

Magic - 

The random Thursday where we set up a tent in the living room, made s'mores on the stovetop, and danced around to Golden Years by David Bowie. The girls declared it the best day ever.

Missing - 

Sleep, like always. But especially this month, when most nights June was awake so late that we stayed up even later to get any moment of quiet time, and then, soon after bed Everett would decide to join the party.  Feeling like a person (i'm deep in that postpartum period where I feel like I only have the bandwidth to take care of my people and then I immediately become a motionless blob on the couch)

Looking forward to - 

More rainstorms. Maybe going to a movie. A real date night.

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