Friday, January 22, 2021

Currently - January 2021

Inspired by - 

The inauguration. The weight and strain of the last four years is starting to lift, and I feel like it's freeing up space in my brain for hope and optimism. I know this is just a first step and I don't want to get complacent or pretend that all of America's problems are solved, but I am still so overjoyed by this new administration and its diversity, and the steps President Biden is already taking to set things on a better path.

Watching -

Clips of Kamala Harris being sworn in. Over and over and over. I also finished Bridgerton last week, and I'm almost done with Friday Night Lights, a show I started 3 years ago. I planned to finish it on my maternity leave with June, and then it got taken off Netflix, and now I'm finally circling back around to it. Tami Taylor forever. Tim Riggins 5-Eva.

Reading - 

Crap. This reminds me that I have 3 kindle library loans set to expire in the next week. Currently reading Shit, Actually by Lindy West. I'm on the Harry Potter chapter and I have lol'd more than once. Next up is wow, no thank you, by Samantha Irby which I am really excited to start.

Thinking about - 

Where to put all the stuff that was displaced over the weekend when we moved Everett from a bassinet to a mini crib. He's still in our room, partly because I am an anxious parent, but also because we have a two bedroom apartment and I for sure don't trust him in a room with his sisters yet. Hoping that this weekend will bring some form of organization for our bedroom. 

Listening to - 

Always podcasts. I've fallen so behind on all my subscriptions, but now that I'm working again and have set car and pumping time to listen, I'm slowly catching up. Current favorites are: You're Wrong About, The Popcast, I Hate It But I Love It, and Pop This!

Dream life -  

Still having vivid dreams like in pregnancy, except that...I'm not pregnant? I would imagine it's a combination of still having all those hormones running around and not getting more than a three hour stretch of sleep on any given night. They're usually not bad dreams, but they still make me feel a way that tends to stick with my for the first part of the morning, which I don't love.

Researching - 

Lace-up brown boots, baked oatmeal recipes, how to best display kid art, a mirror for the living room, pumping tricks, and always things related to kid-having and raising.

Cooking + Eating + Drinking - 

Cooking very little. Being back at work has zapped the small amount of energy I had left, so meals are very simple and often take-out. I know that this phase won't be forever, so I try not to feel bad about it. However, I am eating ALL THE THINGS. I forget how intense breastfeeding hunger is. Drinking lots and lots of coffee and also water, and sometimes sparkling water! I'm not varied in this area. I had a glass-ish of wine on election night, but it made me SO tired. So I haven't felt like pursing it further until I'm getting more sleep.

Grateful for - 

My family. It's been...a year, but throughout we've managed to still enjoy each other and appreciate having extra time together. I love watching the girls play together and fawn over Ev. We've all gotten used to just living a slower life mostly at home. But also, I remain grateful for airpods, my yeti mug, and my growing collection of sweatshirts.

What the girls are into - 

Norah's whole life is Pokémon right now. We indulged her new love at Christmas and she now walks around wearing a Pikachu sweatshirt, clutching her Pikachu stuffy, and memorizing the contents of Pokémon - Super Deluxe Essential Handbook. She's always into drawing and more recently, cutting out the figures she draws. It feels like there are a hundred scraps of paper scattered across the apartment on any given day, and I am absolutely not allowed to throw any of them away. June is always happy to join Norah in what she's doing, but also loves to play in the dollhouse, with blocks, or with her ever-growing rock collection. Lately she's been so eager to help with cooking, so I want to try to give her more opportunities to join in.

What Everett is doing - 

Everett is the best baby. His sleeping is so/so, but he's so chill and happy. He loves to eat his hands, and grab whatever toy we're holding in front of him and immediately shove it into his mouth. He laughs the very most at his sisters and at his own reflection. His laugh is a kind of gasping sound, and it makes me cry-laugh (just like the emoji). 

Missing - 

Everything! Restaurants, movies, seeing friends, traveling anywhere, thrifting, haircuts, not having my glasses fog up constantly...

Looking forward to - 

Getting vaccinated. Someday sleeping through the night again. Warmer weather. 

New kid at daycare.

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