Thursday, August 29, 2013

wedding prep - the day before

oh man. i don't know if it's the case for everyone, but the day before our wedding was just....crazy. i was finishing up a million wedding things, trying to get my room totally cleared out, and praaaying that it wouldn't rain the next day. (i was only sort of successful with that one)

also, i honestly can't remember if i saw brian for more than a couple hours that day. the funny thing about preparing to get married is that it leaves a whole lot less time to actually hang out with the person you're about to spend forever with. 

some things i want to remember from my last day as a single lady.

 how awkward i felt trying to guide this delivery truck into the narrow narrow alleyway behind the apartment. i was so happy that janiece showed up shortly after they did so i didn't have to hoever in the kitchen while they unloaded all the tables and chairs.

good crap. janiece helped me all day. i probably would have died without her. she made approximately one million dipped pretzel sticks all by herself, helped me with flowers, hauled stuff to the church, and kept me as calm as was feasibly possible the whole day. (also she was the only one concerned that i got breakfast the next morning, and brought me a jamba juice right before i left to get ready)

picking up the flowers was my favorite. two buckets full of pretty white and yellow flowers is all i want every day.

making bouquets, and decorations, and boutonnieres. (which was also super fun. i would love to do more stuff like this when i wasn't getting married the next day) 

getting good luck and congratulations texts from people all day.

sending my parents way across town to grab lunch because i mixed up the names of two burger places. 

having dinner with all the member of my extended family who had come to stay for the night. (and looking awesome i'm sure. i hadn't showered that day, or really put on any makeup)

writing my ring ceremony vows while sitting on the bathroom floor of the hotel room.

sending brian the last goodnight text ever before he was my husband.

 seriously, thinking about that night makes my stomach feel all butterfly like. wedding planning is all kinds of crazy. but it's totally totally worth it. (but if you can afford a wedding planner, i probably wouldn't dissuade you)

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