Thursday, March 21, 2013

times i've cried in public.

in walmart after my first college break-up. a couple roommates came with me, and a particularly spacy one didn't notice i was crying, or that the entire purpose of the walmart trip was to buy brownie batter and nail polish for a break-up recovery night. i think she picked up on it about an hour later.

on a usu campus shuttle after my dad told me they had put my dog to sleep.

in walmart again, after another break up. (actually, at the time i thought we were just having a fight. but appaaaarently we had broken up) during my college years, the logan walmart was the source of many tears, and many blurry eyed purchases. after this particular trip, i got home with an entire new stock of make-up i barely remembered even picking out.

filling up my car at a gas station in logan before driving back to idaho. i had been living at home for three weeks while i tried to figure out what to do with my life after graduation. i came back to sleep on a friend's couch for a few days while i logged some hours at the bookstore to have a little more money to move to salt lake. this departure felt more final than the last one, and my lamesauce boyfriend hadn't even said goodbye to me before he went to work.

in the bathroom at the university of utah library for no apparent reason. i'm assuming trying to go to school and work full time had gotten to me.

at smiths by the gas pumps with brian, while having a major major marriage fear freakout. that guy had to deal with a few of those from me. but he still married me! keeper.

inside smiths, while buying a pregnancy test. i was certain i was pregnant and that our lives were over. (spoiler alert: i was not)
for some lighter fare check out simple flavors to read about my quest for a new white shirt. there is no crying involved.

1 comment:

  1. The first one made me laugh out loud. Not because it's funny that you guys broke up, but I was SHOCKED that she was so clueless! What a crazy, crazy apartment.
