Friday, April 9, 2010

swim! until you can't see land.

right now i'm thinking about ice cream. and how much i would like some.

but only in theory. because in actuality i'm quite full of pasta.

which makes me think about work, and about how many people are lackluster tippers.


also, some other things.

modern family is seriously hilarious.

i's almost on the brink of being actual springtime. if it snows one more time i will move forever away to california.

our rats have allergies. they have been sneezing a lot lately.

i miss my plants...


  1. Your rats are sneezing...haha. Wait! Wasn't Melissa supposed to take them??

  2. Modern Family is my latest favorite TV show. So funny!! It's a perfect bedtime story... 20 minutes of laughter & joy. Ain't nothin' better.

  3. I'm so happy you're blogging again and I love the new pics.
