Monday, March 1, 2010

i'll make the most of it. i'm an extraordinary machine!

I love love weeks when everything seems like it’s moving, when people are buzzing around, and things just happen happen. last week was one of those weeks. in summation of the past week - i:

- finished season one of this show
(can i express how very much i love it? probably not.)
- accomplished a feat of engineering by fitting 15 new books on my already overburdened bookshelf.

- skipped out early on medical sociology to get free pancakes at IHOP. (pancakes = great. Free pancakes = better)

- found out one of my besties is having twins!! (one baby = great. two = mucho better)

- was fed tacos and got even more confused over LOST with my most favorite person.

- met my god-hamster, Harvey.

- ate some exceptionally delicious sushi with the han. Our new goal is to try every roll on the menu. Ambitious? Yes. But extremely, extremely doable. : )

- attended the weezer karaoke concert. highlight – the man who sang his entire set in a sumo costume. downfall – may have inflicted permanent damage to my vocal cords from an over-exhuberant belting out of “say it ain’t so.” worth it.

- bought squeeze-it’s for the first time in five years.

- made a daring escape out the bathroom window. the screen still hasn’t recovered.

- watched roman holiday at the opera house. I only JUST found out they show old movies there on the weekends. Audrey Hepburn = delightful.

- made an impromptu trip to preston.

- had pie for dinner

- went to church

- attended a sushi party. Found out I like eel. [epic]

in between these activites i also partook of the some other mundane tasks, like working at the bookstore, serving some interesting (and some not so interesting) people italian food, going to class, and doing extremely limited amounts of homework.
spring is coming! i can feeeeel it!


  1. I have been liiiiiiiiiiinnnkkkkkkkkkkkkkkeeeeeeeeddddddddddd toooooo! Thanks for returning the favor. Glad I could join in on such an epic week for you.

  2. I love everything about this post. I mostly love Pushing Daisies and the fact that my babies have officially been hyperlinked. You're going to be the best damn aunt they could ever need! Oh, and did Harvey ever come out from under the chest thingy? Josh and I were a bit worried...

  3. I had no idea you were a fellow Lostie!!! Did you feel that?
    ...we just bonded.

  4. that sounds like an AMAZING week! (Roman Holiday is one of my all-time favorite movies!)
