Saturday, October 24, 2009

i'll always opt to fall down these stairs in the end.


when i see someone get a text message and smile, it makes me smile. it's like a cataclysmic, chain reaction of happiness..

average things that happen to people are usually more entertaining than the extraordinary things.

free pie pretty much guarantees a good day

some people are geniuses. those people are
regina spektor.

fake polaroids are almost as much fun as real ones.

if i had to pick a favorite season it would be a three way tie between spring, summer, and fall. but fall is especially great right now.

i like nice people.

i'm dreaming of a studio apartment with a fish named gordon.


  1. Your blog is my favorite out of all blogs. You don't update it often, but when you do, my sould sings with happiness. I CAN'T WAIT for Regina. I'm dying with anticipation! This is such a happy post. I need to do one like it. I love my life is average. It brings me happiness. You bring me happiness. Fake Polaroids bring me happiness. This blog brings me happiness.


    It really is one of my faves.

    PS - After today, I think you you need to change your header to something a little more appropriate to the new, early, and/or unwanted season.
