Sunday, April 19, 2009

it happened.

after this first post on my very own blog i will be forced to go and get the word 'hypocrite' stamped on my forehead. (are there specialty stores where one can purchase such a stamp? is this something i have to order? i possibly should have looked into this more before taking such a plunge...) i have re-evaluated, and realized that though i have previously stated that i would never have a blog, my need is very real. where else can i publish the various lists i make in my head on an almost daily basis? on what other forum can i so quickly and easily let my random out into the universe? if nothing else, this will forever immortalize me in internet history, so decades from now members of society can look back and say, "wow. that girl was crazy."

oh man. i just realized the button on the right of my background says cute. this may have been too much, too fast....


  1. I'm the first one to comment on your blog! Holy crap Lacy I'm thrilled beyond thrilled. Blogging is what all the cool kids are doing these days, and I'm glad you were pushed to conformity! This is great and I can't wait to see what wit this blog will hold!

  2. I am astounded but obviously entertained. You are a witty genius and the world will benefit from this....although I don't know where this change of mind came from. When you get back I will be forced to recite many a convo (yes convo) we've had about your blogging beliefs. And I think I need to remind you and Brittany that I had a blog when you two were babies....albeit lame and a class assignment.
