Saturday, December 11, 2021

Currently - November

What We Did - 

Celebrated my birthday, went to the playground with Isabelle, introduced the girls to Pepper Ann, stayed home with two sick kids for almost a full work week, did a Target Christmas trip to pick our ornaments, Norah got her first vaccine(!!!), tried to take family photos, and celebrated Thanksgiving in Malad. 

Inspired by - 

The idea of being super organized for Christmas, pretty wrapping paper, all the cute small shops I follow on Instagram.

Watching -

Mythic Quest. The Great British Bake-Off. Holiday Baking Championship. Rewatching Superstore. Finished Only Murders in the Building. THE FIRST TWO TWILIGHT MOVIES WHICH I HAVEN'T SEEN SINCE I SAW THEM IN THEATERS AND THEY ARE HORRIBLE AND PERFECT.

Reading - 

The Inheritance Games. The Plot. Christmas Shopaholic. Sometimes I Trip On How Happy We Could Be. Also I remembered the Alice series of books that I loved when I was a tween so I checked out the first three to re-read. I've read one so far (The Agony of Alice) and it completely holds up. I'm excited to read the whole series.

Thinking about - 

That my gym bag has been sitting, fully packed and ready to go, under my desk for going on two weeks now. Interesting. 

Being the maker of the christmas magic.

How happy I am that the weather has been so nice, quickly followed by terror of what that means, environment wise. And....water wise. 

Listening to - 

The "Modern Eclectic" Spotify playlist. Decoder Ring. The Popcast's Bachelorette recaps even though I'm not watching this season. The new season of Threedom! Also Maintenance Phase forever and ever. 

Dream Life -

I keep dreaming that I'm driving by "our" library (the one closest to us) and see that it's all boarded up and maybe damaged by fire. I also had a dream that I was pregnant with TWO babies, but they weren't twins. They were 4 months apart. So when I said dream I actually mean nightmare.

Researching - 

Christmas gifts. Covid symptoms in kids (I should just always keep this bookmarked). If there's anything I need at the Sephora sale. Christmas stockings. Planners, even though I have my 2022 one. Christmas Markets. All the cute local shops.

Organizing - 

The cupboard in the kitchen that functions as a hodgepodge at best and a junk drawer at worst. The Halloween decorations. ALL THE PAPERS THAT NORAH IS CONSTANTLY BRINGING HOME FOLDED UP IN HER BACKPACK. 

Grateful for - 

That Norah can get vaccinated! That maybe someday all my kids can be vaccinated! That I could get my booster! 

What the girls are into - 

Norah - "Let's play a game we've never played before!" is her most common phrase. We've played dentist, dance class hospital (where she gets hurt in dance class and has to go to the hospital), pet shop (where I adopt her and June as new pets) and always hospital where I'm setting broken bones and delivering babies all day. She loves to tell us facts she's read about (did you know you're taller in the morning?) and she's devouring books faster than I can get them from the library. She was also so fun at Thanksgiving this year. She tried a lot of different foods and loved all the whipped cream salads. And when she was done eating she read under the table for a while. I'm personally obsessed with the language arts projects she has at school where she has to write about something she just learned. She did a version of this on my phone and wrote "The Koala. There was a koala who lost her family and she went to the woods and got more lost. Oh no." 

June - Me scratching her arm, her legs, her back, the backs of her hands. Cuddling. Pretending to be a ballerina. Wearing a worn out pink leotard as pajamas until I bribe her with another one and can wash it. Playing with the Christmas tree ornaments. Being "100 sneaky". Singing in the car. 

What Everett is doing - 

Crawling SO FAST. Taking maybe a step or two? Leaning against things. Climbing whatever he can. Playing in the pantry and eating handfuls of oats. Saying "vroom vroom" constantly. 

Missing - 

Fall weather already. The sun not setting at 5. My favorite jeans that just wore through at the thigh. 

Looking forward to - 

Meh. I'm not excited about the holidays yet? So uuuuh, I'm excited to GET excited for the holidays. That's a thing, right?

i love campus in the fall.

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