Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Currently - August

August. August was....fine? It was good because we swam a lot and had cold treat Wednesdays. We went to a bunch of playgrounds and the library. But it sucked because I fully spiraled out about Norah going back to school, had to take a social media break because everything is so dark right now, became completely overwhelmed by the constant list of things to be done, and cried like, a bunch of times. Um, but we also started to make a Halloween village? So I guess it's a toss-up.

Inspired by - 

My fall desktop wallpaper rotation. The big thunderstorm that terrified my children and delighted me. Watching my kids fully commit to their imaginative play. 

Watching - 

The third season of Glow Up. We continued Wes Fest and watched Life Aquatic. Bachelor in Paradise, my favorite messy summer show.  Enjoyed/mocked He's All That with Ashley. Finished the 3rd season of Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. Rewatching Happy Endings for the....fifth time? CNN Clips from 9/11 (see below)

Reading - 

Fall and Rise: The Story of 9/11. So, this book. Someone on instagram said they were reading it in honor of the 20 year anniversary. Great idea, I thought. (???) I got through first half. It was really good. So detailed, a lot of personal narratives and also...extremely tragic. Then I had a mid-month mental break and decided to take a break from the book. I can highly recommend it just based on the first half, and plan to finish it when I'm in a better place. Evvie Drake Starts Over - this was cute and the perfect checking out book my brain needed. Also it's by Linda Holmes, one of my favorite NPR podcast hosts. Nothing to See Here - this has been a quick read (still have 25% left) about kids who....start on fire? That's truly the plot and I'm on board. 

Thinking about - 

9/11 (see above). How much I wish we had a 3 bedroom apartment/house/condo/whatever.

Listening to - 

The new Laura Stevenson album. The Deep Dive Podcast. June saying "yes mama" and "thank you mama" in the sweetest way. Ev clapping. Norah explaining the details of the latest game of pretend she wants me to join.   

Organizing - 

The new art table. The bottom shelves of the record kallax. (I re-organized it so Ev had easy access to all the board books and it's been a huge hit.) The front closet. 

Cooking + Eating + Drinking - 

Comfort food. A bowl of cinnamon life before bed. A berry pie I made (read: baked from frozen) at 9 pm one night. 

Grateful for - 

September 1st being an acceptable time to start pretending it's Fall. The GIANT post-its we found at work. The people who care for my children. My husband. Cookie delivery. 

What the girls are into - 

Norah - all her doctor books from the library (including one about organ transplants that causes me to keep asking her if it's too much for her. Because it's definitely too much for me). Reading graphic novels (current favorites are babysitter's club little sister, chick and brain, and bee and puppycat). Going back to school. Swimming!

June - Her new dinosaur backpack. Norah's doctor books. The giant inflatable Slurpee on top of a 7-11 we drive by every day. The Juno soundtrack. Starting preschool. 

What Everett is doing - 

10 months! Clapping. Bouncing. Giving kisses (only to Brian). He can often be found, brow furrowed, mmmm-ing and practicing blowing spit bubbles. Also trying his very hardest to get a fistful of cat food as a light snack.

Magic - 

The moon when it looked like an orange slice. The rare moments when all the kids are (somewhat) quietly occupied and I can just observe them. 

Missing - 

It can't be said enough: sleep. Brain space. A clean house. 

Looking forward to - 

School feeling more routine for all of us. Halloween things. My kids being able to get vaccinated. 

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