Sunday, July 11, 2021

Currently - May/June

Two months in one this round because that’s just my vibe these days. Also May was largely taken up by a medical event, and it was simply not within my abilities to look past that and focus on other May goings on. 

Said medical event involved having to call 911 at 4 am because Brian was in awful, debilitating, not able to speak pain. There was an insanely loud bang on the door, and 5 paramedics rushed in. The entire living room was just men in heavy boots. After making sure it wasn't a heart related issue, the paramedics carried him out the door in essentially a plastic tarp while I stayed behind with our three children (two of which had woken up from the commotion). It was all fairly traumatic and honestly just writing this much is making me feel TOO MANY THINGS. It's probably something I should fully confront and deal with, but that’s Future Lacy’s problem. And anyway the story has a happy ending. Brian was in the hospital for a few days and was released intact though less one gallbladder. My mom came down for the duration and stayed with the kiddos which was a huge relief to me (and a thrill for my children). 

What We Did - 

We’ve gone to a bunch of playgrounds. Usually right at midday when it’s hot as balls and then I feel like an idiot. Once, we were lucky enough to have an ice cream cart go by just as we were seeking refuge in the shade. The girls and I went on a walk to snag a couple lilac blooms. On Brian’s first full day home I took all the kids on a walk to the duck park. We celebrated Oskar’s 10th birthday. We got new books from the library, and picked up some giant scoops of ice cream from Handels. The girls went to the Natural History Museum for the first time. They loved the dinos, did not care for the big spider. Daycare was closed for a couple days and we picked up Norah from kindergarten and went to Wheeler farm for a picnic. Watched Norah’s virtual kindergarten awards ceremony and lamented that they didn't have a graduation. 

We did a quick trip to Springville where Brian bought a guitar, and stopped at a playground in Lehi. We met up with friends for a cook-out in Millcreek canyon. 

The girls started dance class. June is truly living her happiest life and Norah is excited to be in the bigger kids class and have a reason to own tap shoes. I aspired to be like the mom who was able to read her book the entire time. 

We started Cold Treat Wednesday and it has been a HUGE hit. The first week was snocones from Bob's Brainfreeze and the second was slurpees from 7-11. 

We went on a Norah-requested nature walk. We took all our various wheeled devices (scooters! skateboard! roller skates!) to campus and did several laps and some of us fell down, but only once. (me. it was me)

Inspired by - 

My detailed spring cleaning list. Finishing up EXTREMELY old craft projects. Reading. Pinterest. (I'm into Pinterest again? I guess?)

Watching - 

I finished Shrill and Younger and was a bit disappointed with both series finales. I started Girls5Eva and will soon succumb to a trial of Peacock so I can finish it. Started the third season of Black Monday (so so many jokes per minute), and actually knocked out a few movies! LadybirdThe Birdcage, Plan B, The Last Blockbuster, and Bo Burnham - Inside

Reading - 

Luster - really good, but I think I need to read it again when I’m in a different headspace.

The Friend Zone - a quick read, got darker than I was expecting from an otherwise standard romance book.

Girls With Bright Futures - this book was awful, but I finished it for some reason? I wanted to see what happened, so I guess it succeeded, even though it clearly never got a pass over by an editor.

Ex Talk - a good palette cleanser that actually made me laugh. Also it was set in the land of radio and podcasts which was fun.

Who Thought This Was a Good Idea? - a memoir by Obama’s chief of staff. She made me feel like I have accomplished nothing and also that I would never survive working in politics. I kind of wanted more from this, but it was as good quick read.

Hail Mary - by the guy who wrote The Martian. A guy wakes up with no memories, and realizes he’s in space. Not my usual genre, but super good. I had to take breaks when it got too math-y because I would start to zone out. 

Also every time I write a book review/synopsis I think about how I make everything sound like the most boring thing that's ever existed. 

Thinking about - 

How to push through writer’s block. (Ha. To call "not being able to finish a blog post" writer's block feels....grandiose) How to have a successful summer. Alternate Title. How to get out of the house so I don't lose my mind stuck inside all summer, but also don't lose my mind trying to do things with three children, The Lacy Walker Story.

Listening to - 

the new Laura Stevenson single. The soundtrack for Bo Burnham - Inside. The Neighborhood Listen podcast.

Researching - 

Parks for Brian’s Birthday. The local flea market. Tap shoes for Norah. Airbnbs for a fall friend trip. How to do my own gel nails. Palm Springs, generally.

Organizing - 

All the things! The laundry closet. Under the kitchen sink. The linen closet. Under the bed. My makeup cart. It calms my brain.

Cooking + Eating + Drinking - 

My best snack dinner to date. That's truly all that comes to mind. Someone take me out to eat. Oh! Also drinking my new favorite sparkling water, Topo Chico. 

Grateful for - 

Modern medicine! Paramedics! Insurance! Moms who come to stay for three days with almost no notice!

What the girls are into - 

Being outside as much as possible. Norah has been very into making rooms and people with the legos, using my rollerskates, practicing on her scooter, and climbing one specific tree. June has enjoyed bringing a stuffed monkey in a stroller back and forth to the car every day, and scootering. I can't exactly call it climbing, but she also likes clinging to the aforementioned tree while her and Norah pretend to be koalas. My job is to "find" them and give them leaves to eat. 

What Everett is doing - 

He has advanced from simply rolling across the room to scooting. He can transition to sitting up on his own and is now pulling himself up on things. He likes smacking his lips and trying to stick his tongue out. He also just barely discovered the "joy" of grinding his teeth as the top ones start to come in.

Magic - 

The afternoon when Brian was playing the guitar, June was dancing and Norah (dressed as a ninja) practiced her sneaking skills. 

Walking with Ashley in Liberty Park when we saw a giant, after-dark bike ride. 

When the girls talked me into "watching the rain" and it, predictably, ended with them sitting in a big puddle.

Missing - 

Date nights. A cool breeze. The days when there weren't 3 loads of laundry to wash or fold on any given day.

Looking forward to - 

My mom visiting, the girls going to Malad for a weekend, going swimming, eating more bruschetta. 

Until next month! Keep it sleazy.

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