Monday, June 23, 2014

Things. (mostly pregnancy related)

Oskar learned how to open the bathroom drawers. Maybe I'm just hard up for entertainment, but watching him do it really cracks me up.

Baby girl has started kicking me with a lot more force. Enough that it kind of startles me when I'm at work. And enough that I can see it from the outside sometimes, which is both fascinating and really creepy.

I've never been a person that burped. Even when I tried, nothing really happened. Since being pregnant, I unintentionally burp a lot. Or I expect that it will be silent and it's really loud. This has happened twice at work and I've been lucky enough to be alone in my office. I doubt this luck will hold out for long.

I finally had to delete 2048 on my phone. But I didn't do it till I completed all the challenges.

I saw a mama duck and her babies at our complex a few weeks ago. I keep crossing my fingers they'll make another appearance, but so far I'm out of luck.

Another pregnancy symptom I've experienced is getting bloody noses. The other day I laughed and some blood sprayed out of my nose and onto my arm and it was basically one of the more horrifying things I've ever experienced.

Since this has just turned mostly into a pregnancy updates post, I'm going to carry on with it..

I still fit into a few of my button up shirts, with the caveat that the buttons will sometimes randomly pop open. That's always a fun surprise.

I've reached the point where strangers feel the need to talk to me about being pregnant. I will never find this normal, nor will I want the lady at the grocery store to tell me the reasons she thinks I'm carrying a boy, even after I've told her it's a girl.

I've been informed that I'm starting to waddle. So that's great.

Can someone reassure me that even though my diet is not...the greatest, my baby won't be born with extra fingers or something? I've just been real averse to chicken that's not battered and fried, most veggies, and recently, fish. So while I'm trying not to just subsist on shakes and baked potatoes, it's not going great. (It's possible I'm eating tater tots and a fresh lime from Sonic as I type this. And it's sooooo good.)

Contrary to my above complaining, I'm actually at a pretty great stage of this whole being pregnant thing. I can eat again and make it through the day without a nap. And I'm at the golden stage where I'm showing but I'm not scaring people yet. I'm about a week from the 3rd trimester and I'm starting to get really excited and really panicky. It's all happening!

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry about your diet! Seriously. Clementine was grown on a diet consisting almost entirely of cheese, macaroni and cheese, ice cream, cheeseburgers, and eggs on toast. I think the only healthy thing I was really ever excited to eat were apples, and even then I slathered them in peanut butter. I think as long as you aren't eating cat litter or chugging liters of diet coke, sweet Norah will probably be just fine.
