Tuesday, November 8, 2011

24 before 25

so my birthday was really really great. you'll have to just take my word on it, because i took a total of 2 pictures to commemorate the events. (spoiler alert. one has my cat in it, and can be seen at the bottom of this post...)

aaaanyway, here's a list of things i hope to will accomplish in the next year. if this idea sounds familiar, it's because i'm straight-up copying it from several bloggers.

1 - learn to sew. (at least enough to alter a dress)
2 - make a cheesecake. the fancy kind. that you bake.
3 - run 6 consecutive miles. and possibly run a 10k.
4 - make-out at the park and wait at the airport.
5 - eat at a sit down restaurant by myself.
6 - do a photo-a-day blog post.
7 - buy and wear legit heels. more than once.
8 - read at least 5 of the "classic" books i bought my senior year of college.
9 - start doing some of the crafts i save on pinterest. specifically this, this, and this.
10 - watch at least 15 documentaries from this list.
11 - try the oil cleansing method.
12 - go on at least one trip that takes me more than two states away.
13 - go back to school.
14 - learn to make a circle scarf.
15 - print out and make albums of all my favorite pictures.
16 - write letters.
17 - make my own cross-stitch pattern.
18 - make homemade poptarts.
19 - get a passport.
20 - buy something leopard print.
21 - take at least 5 photos a week.
22 - paint my dresser.
23 - go on a water park tour.
24 - make a decent pizza crust.

roommates made me dinosaur pumpkin pancakes. hap-happy.

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