Sunday, August 7, 2011

texts saved on my phone. part 5.


 I tried to think of something funny and jewish related, but I failed. Yes, it is more than kosher.
Dear lacy. Drive your college graduate butt down here to logan Utah and come to this flipping party.

And don’t just say I love him because he is black. Even though it’s true.

You said no. I will now burn my Hedwig costume in a state of mourning.

I make poor decisions. Text me back for more details.

I’ll take careful mental notes and describe it to you in detail. 

Oh I saw his face. You definitely still have that option.

I honestly can’t promise anything. I don’t like potentially telling hollow lies. 

Ah. I should have known that it was a “quality.” Well, I respect that.

You’re mom’s not a jehovah’s witness, right? I’d bet a million bucks she’s not…

Man you need more dependable people. Hitmen who carry their phones.

For example, most infants don’t cry merely by my presence anymore.

I survived my first ever work Christmas party. And I didn’t even get drunk and kiss any coworkers.

Why? Did you forget to wear a bra again? 

Well I gotta go herd cows, cause apparently I do that now. 

I think you can catcall them. Gender roles are changing every day.

 My jellied fruits are hard.

Thank you! I do feel a Lacy void in my life right now. I bought a lace trimmed skirt, but it isn’t the same.

Shut up lacy. Go kiss someone from salt lake.


  1. Sometimes I think I need to text you more. And also be funny. So that I can someday be in the saved text posts. It's actually a bit of a goal of mine now.

  2. Everytime I see the new 'texts from my phone' post I frantically scroll through the list to see if I've made the cut. Considering I haven't texted you for a few months now, my chances of bring featured in post 6 are looking pretty slim. I'd better step it up.
