Wednesday, July 6, 2011

title pending.

busy busy busy. not like, bad busy. but busy in that good way, where you're never really home, and when you are home you're doing things and talking to people and hopefully eating some delicious food and when you're gone, you're at work [sigh] or adventuring and playing outside and probably getting eaten by a lot of mosquitos and hopefully eating some delicious food. [to recap - the eating of the delicious food is a priority no matter your location or time constraints]

what i'm saying is, i have a lot of pictures i've been wanting to post and things i've wanted to write, but it all seems to have gotten away from me.

so here's this picture, which i find mondo-fabulous (points for knowing that quote) because these are two of my favorite people. i just bought the best of amy poehler and it probably changed my life. i've had the seasons of parks and rec in my amazon cart for a looooong time. it's time they made the journey to my house to live.

and just to end this post about nothing, here's a short list.

something cool i did yesterday - ate sushi on the roof of the library. [ok, if i'm going to be completely honest, we weren't successful in our roof aspirations. we had just walked up allll the stairs to get to the top when they came and locked the gate. but! sushi was consumed on the library grounds, by that cool water wall...thing]
something cool i saw today - a woman riding her bike and carrying a hot & ready pizza.
something cool i'm looking forward to - avett brothers concert! ashley saved the day and found tickets yesterday. i owe her cookies or something.
something cool you should watch - this. i saw them in concert last week and have been listening to them ever since. amaaaazing.

happy wednesday!

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