Wednesday, January 18, 2012

a (pictureless) week summary.

last week was most notable because it marked my return to higher education. so far i have few complaints. the teacher for my online class seems....interesting. luckily i can listen to her lectures while doing something more productive. and hopefully this will distract from the way she says "...right?" after every other sentence. i love my other two classes, and it's extremely convenient that they're in the same building, as i am only familiar enough with campus to make it from my car, to class, and back again. i had forgotten how much i love people-watching on campus and hearing snippets of conversation about Childish Gambino and relationships. "dude! you're dating sarah?! yesssssssssss!"

other things that happened this week that i didn't take any pictures of...
 - doing homework. what?
 - going to a gymnastics meet. umm. it's a super big deal at the U. apparently. 
 - eating at del taco, for not just the first, but also the second time.
 - going to ikea with Brian and then having dinner with the Mangelsons. i really like swedish furniture emporiums, but i like the Mangelson's even more. 
 - scoring tickets for coachella, round 2.

also. maybe last night was spent falling asleep in my textbook at 10 pm while boyfriend did his french homework. we are wild and crazy.

1 comment:

  1. Lacy! I can't believe your going back to school, that is crazy. Well the real reason I'm here is to tell you I have a blerg now. That's real. I may or may not ever post anything on it, but just thought I'd let you know. It's at
    (fun fact the only way I know how to get to your blog is to google my name like this "trevon tapp" it finds the post about she and him and voila I'm here... Yeah, if you followed my blog that could change)
