Tuesday, February 14, 2012


in honor of this holiday (that i don't love), here are some letters to people i used to like. (and one i still do)

dear g,
i crushed on you soooo hard for all of highschool. you finally kissed me in my backyard the week before you moved away. two years later you left me a secret-admirer valentine on my car, and last summer you took me on a date to the zoo. what is uuuuup with that?

dear m,
you were tall and nice and took me to a lot of Jazz games. then you moved to vernal for the summer and I sort of forgot about you. sorry...

dear s,
you're part of the reason i forgot about M. we went on a lot of adventures and you made me a comic book. we're still friends, and that makes me happy.

dear f,
you had a cool last name, and dated both of my roommates (and i dated one of yours). i liked you but only sometimes. i broke up with you, but then kept kissing you. i'm not sure why.

dear w,
you were "outdoorsy." you sneak-attacked me to make me meet your parents and i pretended to like curb your enthusiasm as much as you did. i can't stand to watch it now. you dumped me the day before school started, and all our shared co-workers avoided me.

dear c,
we spent the summer getting snocones and going rock climbing (i mainly watched) and hanging out with your best friend. you broke up with me after i moved. and then you kept breaking up with me. i'm not sorry i dated you but i am sorry i let you crush me more than once. and sometimes i still want to egg your van.

dear w,
i burned my leg on your motorcycle, and therefore will remember you forever.

dear brw,
i count the official beginning of our relationship as halloween, which is one of my favorite holidays. you named my cat (so perfectly), and have filled my ipod with hours and hours of musical enjoyment. i like the words you say, and the way you play guitar, and i'm excited to go on more adventures with you. Happy Not-Cheesy Valentines Day!


  1. This is my favorite blog post ever. I don't think I'll ever get over the hilariousness of 'f'.

    I love you and I'm sorry the first w was such an ass. Actually, several of them turned out to be asses. Live and learn, right?

  2. Lacy, I can't read any of your emails, messages, or blogs with out smiling! You are so great and funny, I love it.
