Sunday, February 26, 2012

february photo a day. part four.

 20. something you ate. [president's day brunch with B]
 21. a favorite picture of you [taken by trevon when i was helping with a photo shoot. it's not as glamorous as it sounds, i had to keep an egg from rolling down the hill....]
 22. where i work. [in case you didn't know, the city creek mall opens march 22nd]
 23. my shoes.

i missed 24 and 25 which were "inside your medicine cabinet" (we don't have one) and "green". but here are some other photos to make up for it.
 a library date.
 some colors i like lately.
 it was warm enough to eat outside. happy.
 how this happened is still a mystery to me.
and 26. night. [which will be spent doing homework. unfortunate. good thing it's with a boy i like]

1 comment:

  1. hei lacy remember me ? im brian on omegle ,it's you lacy ?
