Wednesday, December 29, 2010

why i like christmas. a story in 3 parts.

part one.

traditions. like visiting santa.

i know. i'm adorable. and look slightly asian. (that must be where my brother gets it) also, santa's eyes are boring into my soul.


please enjoy my inexplicable fourth of july outfit. patriotism and christmas have always seemed like a natural combination to me.


rocking the classic denim on denim combo. and trying to ignore my brother as he rudely expresses his distaste for santa. boys have no social tact.


don't cry brother. you're wearing moon boots for crying out loud. life can't get much better.


  1. Holy hell (yes, I'm pretty sure my mother doesn't read your blog and if she does...whatever, I said hell.) these made me laugh SO hard. I almost started to cry. Christmas of '95 might be my favorite. Tyson look remarkably like Sophie in that one.


    Still laughing.

  2. I love it! I can't believe you've withheld these from me all these years. hahaha

    oh and are you holding a sack lunch in that photo?

  3. it wasn't intentional i swear. my mom lost them for several years but then we found them on our search for our original nintendo.

    my interest in all things retro once again saves the day!

    (and while a sack lunch would make good practical sense, i think it was a treat bag provided by the good people of allen drug)
