Tuesday, December 14, 2010

texts saved on my phone. part 2.

part 1 here

I have no idea. She is seriously his twin with boobs.

I know! Fo shizzle! I’ve missed you!

That’s a good idea…”hey can you please cut your hair so we can get married?” I think I’ll do that.


Thanks! It turns out if you are prepared for what you are getting into, your car actually does work.

Can you send me some Victoria’s Secret Mailers?

He just told us that when he was in elementary school they tattooed his blood type under his arm. He said it disappeared but just found it again last week.

So I know this probably stupid, but lately he has been watching Lady Gaga videos like crazy and I’m starting to get annoyed by it. I think I might be jealous..? 

Its not the neck beard of times past unfortunately.

That poor puppet. She’s had a turkey stuffed up her butt and now this

Well we are cute girls in need of a bed to sleep in….i think you get the picture

Umm why did you not sing a duet with your mother on the fourth of July?

I’m losing my mind. Sorry it’s early but I figured you would understand the terror a 10 yr old can inflict…

So there is this dog chasing shadows at my friends house…and barking. It remind me of your dog that was inbred.

Sorta like when I grabbed that guy’s crotch at the valentines dance.

HOW DO I GET YOU ALOOOOOONE?! (In a singing type of way…)

It’s more than cool. It’s ice cold.

Oh happy day! I can’t wait to see you and your elbows.


  1. Pretty sure I was the tattoo in the armpit one and the barking dog one.

  2. that is cor-rect.

    (you know what voice i'm using)
