Thursday, December 9, 2010

and i can still remember, the laughter in a stranger's face.

i still have a hard time fully comprehending how much has happened in the last 7 months.

i graduated from college.

i moved all by myself to a brand new city.

i got in my very first car wreck, and gave my very first incident report to an insurance agent.

my best friend whom i shared a bed with one summer moved what feels like forever away.

another best friend had not one, but two babies. [who make me happier than i ever could have imagined]

 i picked out my first health insurance plan.

i'm so different from the person i was last april. since then i've had some of my highest highs (see - babies, graduation, getting a job, being in love) and lowest lows (see - moving back in with my parents, being unemployed, staying in bed for one entire day).  i've gotten to a place i didn't know i could (with help from a lot of people) and i've had several days where i didn't think i could ever be any sadder. (i was unfortunately proven wrong) 

i don't really have a point, not even to to say something cheesy like, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, or life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you respond to it or there's no I in teamwork (which makes sense if you really think about it). because really i wouldn't change anything.

hi. i'm lacy. i get excited about lame things, like clean pillowcases, hostess cupcakes and buying wrapping paper.  i'm learning to be happy just because of me, not because of anyone else. it's an exciting journey. (that last part was to make up for my lack of cliche quote. you're welcome!)

 here are some pictures i find especially neat

found here, here, and here.

addendum - another thing that makes me excited? finding half a peach propel in the fridge.
 end scene.

1 comment:

  1. I like you. The babies like you. And I like that HOLY CRAP picture.
