Sunday, June 14, 2015

April in Review.

- We started off the month with a road trip to Colorado. Notable things included:

  • finding out Norah is amazing at road trips. 
  • discovering how boring it is to to drive through Wyoming. Holy desolation batman.
  • we went go Garden of the Gods which is crazy pretty and has basically no parking. We just drove through it because of the aforementioned parking situation. Someday I would love to go back and hike. (we hike now. did I mention that?)
  • I had maybe the best burger ever. Thanks for the restaurant recommendation Yelp!
  • And most notable of all, we got to see my awesome cousin's beautiful wedding. We cried, and ate a lot of great food, and Norah got loved on by everyone. It was a quick trip but the perfect first vacation for our family.

- Norah's daycare buddy got a virus a few days before we were supposed to leave for Colorado, so I tried working from home a couple days so she wouldn't catch it. I found out working from home is a total joke. Kudos to anyone who does that.

- We took a quick night trip to Provo to pick up a Kinderpack from a kind women who sold it to me at retail. I've only been looking into the kinderpack/tula world a couple months and it is crazy town. Crazy. Town. They're impossible to get from the actual carrier, and people mark them up to insane prices when they sell them. I don't know how I was so lucky to find one (in a print that I looooved) at retail price, but it feels like a miracle.

- We had a Portland planning hike with our friends up City Creek. We decided that burgers were the natural next step for the hangout, so downtown we went. (For our second burger of the day, if memory serves correctly.)

- We started giving Norah food! We're doing baby led weaning and so far everyone likes it! The first couple nights she just sat in her highchair holding a veggie stick in each hand and looking at us suspiciously. But now she's tried a lot of things and seems to especially enjoy avocado, cucumbers, red peppers, hummus, sweet potatoes and most recently, strawberries. Watching Norah spread food all over her face is just my favorite.

- We went to Portland. And because we're crazy, we drove! Notable things from this trip included:

  • Stopping in Boise for a night. We got to see our super cool friends and play with their cute kiddo and new baby. Somedaaaay maybe we'll live closer than 6 hours apart. I hope.
  • Our first night in Portland we got dinner and put the kiddos to bed and the six of us stayed up answering questions from a website someone had found. I love talking to this group of friends, so this was honestly one of my favorite things we did.
  • Poor Norah caught a stomach bug (bad month for getting sick at the babysitters) so she was sick our first full day in Portland. Our friends went to the coast, but we hung back at the airbnb so she could rest. We walked around the cool neighborhood we were staying at and grabbed some lunch. That night she was feeling a lot better so we hung out downtown for a bit by the waterfront and grabbed some dinner in the Alberta area. Later on we met up with everyone for some ice cream at Salt and Straw. (Amaaazing)
  • We hit downtown with full force the next morning and went to Stumptown Coffee, the Saturday market, Voodoo Donuts, Powell's Books, House of Vintage, and a record store. 
  • Sitting outside a crappy convenience store and eating some snacks before moving to our next destination. "Well guys, this is our vacation."
  • The Japanese Gardens. Damn. This place was so pretty and I would live there if they would let me. They probably wouldn't... 
  • The drive home was loooong and never ending. Norah handled it the best of all three of us.
- Jamilyn and I went to the Bijou Market in Provo. Ashley was selling her awesome baked goods there, and I got myself some earrings and a stuffed doll for Norah. Also it made me wish I was craftier.

- I had the best pancakes of my life at the Egg and I. Raspberry granola pancakes. Go. Get them. Tell them I sent you. (Actually don't, They have no idea who I am.)

Unofficial "Take Your Baby to Work" day.
Colorado Times!
Norah's newest smile - The Raised Eyebrows. (sent from Jeorgi)
Norah is loud at restaurants. Luckily it was In-N-Out, so no one noticed.

Playing with Thatcher
Just hanging out in Portland.

Japanese Gardens
Brian's Portland Doppelganger. 

Portland-ing like it's our job.

Sent with the caption "She was on her stomach on the blanket when I went to grab her bottle." I love how her bib turned into a cape from her speed rolling.
If you're wondering if your baby will still spit up all over you in the middle of REI at 7 months old, the answer is yes, yes she will.

Posing with broccoli. 
Sometimes best friends.
Liberty Park living.
Phew. April was a crazy month, but a really really good one. But next time we plan a road trip, maybe we'll leave more than a two week gap before the next one (we're dumb).

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