Friday, May 22, 2015

March in Review

March has come and gone. And I'm not feeling wordy. Here's what went down.

- The weather continued to be unseasonably wonderful. Thusly, we made several outings to our favorite parks. I can talk about how much I like liberty park for days, but it's the greatest.

- We moved Norah out of our room. She slept great the first night and I was a wreck. Motherhood.

- We went to a new record store (so-so) and a new indian place (pretty ok).

- We had a day-date while my parents watched Norah and went for a easy hike on the bonneville shoreline trail. We got back and got to enjoy a detailed play by play of Norah's day and then we all ate at Rodizio grill. Dates! Hikes! Meat! A good day all around.

- We had an impromptu movie pizza night with some friends. Also there were oreos. (I know, I know. Our life is crazy as hell.)

- After two and a half years of marriage, we finally opened a joint checking account. Procrastinators unite!

- I fulfilled a lifelong (lifelong is probably pushing it. let's say an senior year in high school) goal to get my nose pierced.

I took a quick picture to send to Brian at work and holy crap it was adorable! That kid..
Enjoying a mall trip.
We still have cats. And they are not helpful with unpacking.
I love it when she looks like a real person.
A baby and some graffiti.

I can't. I can't even.

These two really like each other.

There are 30 more of these.

Who needs a playpen?

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