Sunday, June 28, 2015

May in Review


As per usual, we made a couple Malad trips. (it's like people want to see our baby or something.) Norah and I made a solo trip and she met her Davis great-grandparents for the first time and we had some super delicious BBQ. Brian came with us for trip #2 and we celebrated my mom's birthday and went for some long walks to get Norah to nap.

We had some mother's day breakfast at our main hang, Finns. 

A girls night with Pitch Perfect 2 and some burgers made me feel a little like a single college kid again. (It was only the second time I haven't been there to put Norah to bed. So I definitely went into her room and watched her sleep for a while after I got home. That's a normal mom thing, right?)

Brian and I went on a real life date night and saw a terrible movie (Hot Pursuit. But since it's the first movie we had gone to since before Norah was born, we didn't care) and ate our favorite Thai food.

I got to have dinner with old bookstore friends. Everyone has grown up jobs and babies now and it's awesome and weird. 

Norah and I went on a mom's hiking group outing to Silver Lake. It's amusing and strange to be surrounded by people talking about nursing and diapers.

We went on our monthly hike to City Creek Canyon. We're trying to go twice a month buuuut I'm willing to let once a month be ok when weather (rain and/or it being a million degrees) prevents it.

We had a Memorial Day BBQ with the Summer Fun Group (yep, I'm busting that name out again) and found Norah loves grilled zucchini and that I still love burgers.

We joined our local library and quickly realized the joy of being able to check out a million kids books. (I love all of Norah's books, but I was going crazy reading the same ones all the time.)

I was getting gas one day and was entertaining Norah while it pumped by sticking my face in the window and gasping. This guy a pump over suddenly looked relieved and was like "oh there's a baby in your car. I thought you were having an asthma attack!" There's a lesson for you kids. Breathing weird in front of strangers might alarm them.

Norah was obviously stoked for Mother's Day breakfast.

Grant did not care that we were taking a picture.
Norah likes target as much as I do.

Oh yeah, we bought a basketball.

Just a little 1 month/8 month comparison.

Silver Lake!
Norah passed out almost instantly on our City Creek hike.

That's May! Over and out.

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