Monday, December 2, 2013

november in review.

well it's somehow december. it kind of angers me that november and december go by in a second and then january seems to last three years. sigh.

some highlights from november...

halloween! (that was obviously in october. but it didn't get mentioned in my october post) we had a halloween murder mystery dinner party. it was super fun and reinforced my decision to stop pursuing acting after the two plays i was in my youth. (annie and krazy kamp. if you were wondering)

my birthday weekend. we had the best indian food ever, ashley made a crazy good nutella cherry chocolate cake, and i was serenaded with everyone singing row your boat. in a round.

the night we couldn't fall asleep so we listened to hootie and the blowfish and blurred lines on youtube and sang cat stevens and james taylor songs to each other.

waking up one morning with wallace sleeping on top of my head. my hair was a disaster.

having an 80's themed girls night with a few co-workers. we had ring pops and played girl talk.

brian and i singing 'everybody dance now' in our apartment and then hearing it play 10 minutes later at smiths. freaky.

making our chocolate chip cookies into an ice cream sandwich.

going on a long walk and finding a new park

having success with three new recipes! (chicken pot pie, carrot coconut soup, and parmesan crusted pork chops)

finding Chopped episodes online and reliving the glory days of having cable.

finally catching up on How I Met Your Mother

trying out a new Thai place.

sushi + indiana jones+ village inn pie night with the fall friends club. a lot of good conversation happened that night, a majority of which centered on which celebrity we would sleep with.

getting my wisdom teeth out. i had heard it was way worse as an adult, but my experience was really....easy. i think my mouth owed me one after all the torture i went through with braces.

friendsgiving! all the food was sooooo good, and i made my first pumpkin pie.

being almost done with harry potter. i'm getting real sad about it.

a monday date night with chinese food and an ikea trip. we bought curtains like real adults.

the night brian was making a 90's playlist and it turned into a sing-along. during which i cross stitched because i like to keep things interesting.

thanksgiving! we spent it in idaho, and got to spend a lot of time with my parents, and catch up with my best malad friends.

saturday morning was spent making pies for thanksgiving with brian's parents. due to a scheduling mis-communication we ended up having pizza-giving instead. and it was great.

the best thing that happened this month was realizing we had pizza for dinner four times in one week.

the worst thing that happened this month was realizing we had pizza for dinner four times in one week.

happy beginning of december!

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