Thursday, November 14, 2013

26 before 27

this year's birthday list! i'm feeling less than wordy today, so i'll just get to it. 

attend the temple every month.

get better at reading the scriptures daily. and by get better i mean...start reading them daily again.

read 20 more books. at least 3 church books.

paint something.

learn to crochet.

knit a hat.

make some christmas decorations.

learn to play my ukulele.

organize my recipes.

decorate our bedroom.

make good use of the treadmill.

organize all the pictures on my computer.

keep photos organized by month for next year's photo book.

send packages to people.

go to austin.

make a cheesecake.

make bread/pizza crust.

get over my fear of making curry.

make another pie.

have people over for dinner.

hang up all the cool stuff we've been accumulating.

get my favorite print framed.

finish a cross stitch project.

go to a fitness class.

buy a noodle and goggles to use in the pool this summer.

i cannot come up with a 26th goal. isn't that ridiculous? so i'm keeping a spot open for when i finally think of the perfect end to this list. i think this could be the year i accomplish my WHOLE list.

fingers crossed.


  1. From one bread-fearing baker to another, you MUST try this recipe! I've made some disastrous loaves in the past, but this one has turned out perfect twice in a row now. And it's delicious.

    1. i am really excited to try this! i'll keep you posted on my results.
