Monday, December 16, 2013

jobs. part one.


my very first job was at Malad Drive-In, a burger and shakes place. at the time, the night crew was entirely staffed by high school girls. and mostly popular high school girls. i'm not quite sure how i broke in...  this job kept my car full of gas, my purple cell phone stocked with 50 texts a month, and me outfitted in volcom t-shirts and american eagle jeans.

- we ate a lot...a LOT of the food. mini grilled cheeses, extra fries and english chips, sundaes made in frysauce cups, cookie dough, the crushed up reeses, and a never ending supply of slushes. thinking back, i don't really understand how none of us were morbidly obese. teenage metabolism, guys. it's a marvel.

- working with all girls can lead to a bit of drama. especially in a small town where everyone is sharing boyfriends and people find out you made out with someone before you actually do it. (i will say that the two singular make-outs i participated in during high school were kept under wraps. i'm not sure what that says about me.) there was a period of time where one girl was doing that sort-of dating thing with another girl's recent ex-boyfriend. it was...tense. all the ice cream in the world cannot make that situation better. especially when you're all crammed into about 200 square feet.

- people get mean when they're hungry. also, some people will pull into a completely full lot and then act surprised when their food takes longer than 5 minutes.

- the most embarrassing thing that i can remember happening occurred my first summer. i was trying to hook the window tray onto someone's car and one of the drinks tipped over, ruining the food, and splashing a little inside the car. i was, obviously, mortified. the worst part was taking the soda-soaked tray back inside and having everyone silently judge me as i sat it down and requested a duplicate order. the victims of this incident were so incredibly nice though, and even left me a tip. i always hope i can be half that gracious to people serving me food.

- we sold penny candy. an overwhelming sense of dread would fill my soul when a kid would come in and pour his summer's worth of change on the counter. after meticulously counting out the hundreds of pennies, i would wait for the detailed order of how they wanted the candy split. after i had been there a while i wised up and approximated the candy. (and don't worry. it was always way more than they were paying for)

- a boy i had a crush on for yeeears in high school (and maybe turned out to be the participator in the two secret make-outs...) would come to the drive-in randomly with his friends. (which is normal. it's the "main hang" and i probably saw the majority of people from my high school show up in the time that i worked there) anyway. i just remember being outside carhopping and glimpsing his car pull into the other parking lot, or seeing him walk in through the front door and it felt like my stomach dropped into my shoes. teenage romance, guys. it's a marvel.

- did i mention that the night crew was entirely made up of high school girls? if it was slow the boss man would leave and things got...interesting. we got the work done, but also sometimes we would chase each other out front around the tables, or see what a deep fried swedish fish was like. someone would keep an eye on the parking lot, and the second that green jeep pulled in we were the best behaved employees in all the world.

- i have incredible skills at cooking things in a deep fryer, making a chocolate dipped ice cream cone, not over-blending a cookie dough shake, slicing limes and strawberries, and measuring the perfect amount of frozen potato sticks to fry.

- the best part of working there was probably getting to know girls i probably wouldn't have through high school alone. (mostly because of my introvert tendencies and the fact that most of them were more popular than i was/ran in different social circles) we would get our after work shakes and drinks and pile into someone's car and do a couple laps on the cruise route. we didn't care that we all smelled like fries or that we had a line of ice cream spray across our chest from mixing shakes. even though it was a crap job sometimes, (i suffered some of the worst grease burns of my life) and some of the girls working there had their moments...i'm still glad it was my first job. and to date, it's the longest i've ever worked in one place. (three years!)

also if you're wondering why i have a picture of myself posing by the bread cart, i'm wondering the same thing. it's good to see i've always been skilled at posing for photos. and that for once my shirt was long enough to hit the waistband on my pants.

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