Wednesday, April 3, 2013


dear cats,
thanks for keeping me company while brian is at the library. and for being genuinely interested in the cat lands I make for you.
 dear grapefruit,
you have been super delicious lately. keep on keepin' on.
dear yoga mat,
thanks for still accepting me even though I haven't used you since last summer. maybe we can be friends again?
dear target sandals,
I bought two pairs of you in a size too small, hoping things would work out. they have. thanks for being awesome.
dear bike,
i might replace you soon? and that legitimately makes me feel guilty.
dear spring,
I don't think you can ever comprehend how happy you make me. ever.
 dear feet,
thanks for taking me from place to place. warmer weather means a lot more walks!
dear job,
thanks for putting up with my often surly attitude and continuing to pay me.
dear vegetables,
though I will never like you as much as your fruit sister, I am going to make an effort to try more of you, and learn how to cook you. hopefully in a way that helps me to consume more of you without feeling tortured.
dear last night,
thanks for being rejuvenating. a bike ride with husband, a walk alone, perusing trader joes, doing some mild yoga, and practicing the ukulele helped me remember how full and happy my life is. and how I have very little to complain about.


  1. this is fantastic. such a good idea and reminder to be thankful... spring makes me so friggin' happy!
