Thursday, April 11, 2013


approximately four years ago everyone on facebook was writing a list of 25 things people didn't know about them. at first i mocked, and then of course i made my own. today i'm revisiting that list and adding commentary. you know, for fun!

1. mostly, people who don't know me think i'm quiet and/or don't pick up on my sarcasm.
i think this is still often the case. now that i'm not in college, i don't often have to interact with a ton of people who don't really know me, so this doesn't happen as often. however, i'm pretty sure no one at work has seen my actual personality. which i'm cool with.

2. i only eat my orbit wintermint gum in half pieces.
now i chew 5 gum in the cobalt flavor. because it's way better. but i still only eat half pieces.

3. i sometimes miss driving the '83 buick i had in highschool.
i sometimes miss driving in malad. traffic lights are not as cool as i once thought.

4. i buy dollar oatmeal cookies. not because they're particularly good, but because they're a dollar.
i had forgotten about these! i am on a mission to purchase some immediately, although i'm sure they cost more now.

5. i know how to knit, and sometimes do in secret.
i now take pride in my knitting and have made several excellent scarves.

6. one of the biggest joys in my life is when i find good books at the d.i.
i have stopped really perusing the book section at d.i. because our bookcases overfloweth.

7. i find golden girls hysterically funny.
that is still the case, however since i stopped living with Brittany (who owned a few seasons) i haven't watched it in a long time.

8. i judge people by the music they listen to.
i'm really working on not judging people for having different taste than me. but i fail pretty hard when it comes to liking or not liking a few specific bands.

9. as far as professors go, christy glass owns my soul.
owns my soul? who am i? but christy glass is and always will be supremely kick-ass.

10. i often base my self-worth on my wii fit age.
again, seriously? what was going on with me at 21?

11. i'm constantly broke.
samesies. although i did have a few good years in there where i was pretty solid financially. not like buying clothes from j.crew solid, but i was able to go on several trips and buy a lot of stuff from h&m.

12. although my need is nonexistent, given the funds i would gladly purchase a Kindle from amazon.
i don't think i would fork over money for this anymore. i can see the benefits, but i would miss owning real books.

13. if i could, i would eat breakfast for every meal, preferably from ihop.
ihop is great and all, but it would no longer be my sole choice for breakfast food.

14. i wish i could be friends with regina spektor.
this is probably the most hands down still true thing on this list.

15. i own five pairs of converse. my favorite are the purple ones.
i recently cleared out my converse collection. i have two pairs for wearing, and i'm saving the purple ones at my parent's house because i love them so much.

16. i have no sense of geography. i wish i could tell you where turkmenistan is, but i cannot.
years of having a world map shower curtain has not aided me in this area of weakness.

17. i'm usually bored by sporting events.
still true, but i have recently realized i enjoy live hockey games.

18. i would be really, really excited if the dinosaurs came back.
also still true, but only the plant eaters...

19. the only pen i need to sustain me is the Pilot G-2 05 in blue or black.
this is the only kind of pen i use at work! but i'm blue ink exclusive now.

20. i once tried to sell plasma to go to vegas.
ha. and was rejected. i've been back to vegas a few times and have not tried to sell any bodily fluids to get there. (gross. sorry...)

21. i'm on my third ipod. by choice, not mechanical failure.
now i'm on my fourth. but i still have my third and treasure it.

22. i anticipate easter for the mini cadbury eggs.
mmmm. cadbury eggs. brian and i hoarded a couple bags for a whole year. but now they're gone and I am sad.

23. i only consume orange juice straight from the carton.
i don't do this anymore because i read about how you're not supposed to drink out of the milk carton because it can make the milk go bad faster. i assume that can apply to orange juice too? (I do make an exception if it's the very last of the juice)

24. i name non-living objects. for example, my car, ipod, computer, and plant....
i have stopped doing that as much. maybe i'm not as tied to these inanimate objects anymore. but i do have a lot of different names for our cats.

25. i would love to work in a children's book store....or be an archeologist..
i had forgotten about this. both would still be pretty cool.
here are a couple of profile pictures from around the time I wrote this. I guess gang signs were popular in 2009.

don't you wish we were friends four years ago?


  1. Love this. And I am glad we were and are still friends. Was it the dollar oatmeal cookies that I wrote your name on the table with for your birthday? I'm thinking yes, because you loved them.

  2. Sometimes I have to remind myself that I'm not actually real life friends with Regina Spektor. I'm glad you love her too. And I hope that when you judge me for our mutual Regina love, it makes us better friends.
