Saturday, July 17, 2010

a slight figure of speech.

how have i never seen this video before?

watch it. it will maybe be the best 6 minutes of your day. well, maybe that's overselling it...but it will be in the top 5 best 6 minutes of your day. .....let's pretend that makes sense.

i hope to be back soon with an overview of my fantastical concert experience yesterday.
teaser - my car spews antifreeze....

alas, i must currently use my writing prowess to create a kick-a cover letter.

lacy davis is going to be someone other than a restaurant.

stay tuned....

1 comment:

  1. So...this is the first time I've ventured to your b-log in a little while now.
    Let's just say it feels like it was taken over the director of an indie film. So basically it should be starring Zooey Deschanel and Mike Cera.
    Just the front picture and the "kick-a cover letter" lead me to that mental image.
    It's not a bad thing. I kind of love it.
    Love you.
