Sunday, May 16, 2010


do you remember that show on abc a loooong time ago called wasteland? It was about a group of 20-30 year olds transitioning through life. “in the space between college and real life lies….wasteland” I never actually watched it myself, but the preview was on 10 Things I Hate About You (back in the vhs days when it was a requirement to sit through the previews) so I saw it a lot. speaking of 10 Things…Allison Janney was on LOST last week and it really threw me to see her as someone besides the crazy guidance counselor….or as the dog-obsessed stepmom in Juno.

But I digress.

Last week I got this

which means I am now officially smack dab in the middle of the wasteland. Smack dab everyone! It’s awesome, but also not, and now I have to think about things like new cars and health insurance and the likelihood that I have any employable skills that lie outside the realm of food service. It’s not just scary, it’s terrifying, and I just sit and pretend to hold it all together and be organized and make lists when really all I want to do is maybe cry or eat a snowcone and definitely definitely run away to California.

meet me on the pier?

afternote - i looked up wasteland and it’s from all the way back in 1999 and sadly only aired 3 episodes…the things that take up my brain space…


  1. Well, your wasteland will include lots and lots of snow cones and gourmet cupcakes, so it wont be too bad. I promise.

  2. if you do actually run away to california you can stay with me. I would really hate to bail you out of jail because you had to sleep on a park bench.

  3. JUNO! That's what she's on! I knew she looked familiar!! She was crazy on Lost! Holy cow!
