Thursday, April 15, 2010

but for now we are young, let us lay in the sun, and count every beautiful thing we can see...

happy list. april 14th and 15th, respectively.

- hearing mxpx at jamba.

- actually consuming the recommended amount of fruit a day.

- good movies. like this one.

- sunshiney walks with friends.

- a clean fridge.

- the fed ex man blasting soft rock.

- five boxes of cinnamon life for 5 dollars. legit.

- suuuuuushi!

- a lovely nap.

- ice-cream for lunch (a direct side affect of "dentist face")

- night badminton. if it's possible, i'm even less coordinated in the dark.

- people who say hilarious things.

- sunshine!
photo found here

1 comment:

  1. Where the *&%! did you get 5 boxes of Cinnamon Life for 5 dollars?! Tell me your secret or I may perish.

    p.s. I love this list with all my heart.
