Tuesday, April 20, 2010

as i walk-a walk-a walk-a walka-a walk-a walk.

right now, at this very moment, i am supposed to be sitting in my medical sociology class. why am i not there you ask? that's the best part.

i have no idea.

i have heard people cite pregnancy brain and fiance brain as genuine afflictions....and i think my condition is comparable. or possibly worse. it's called senior apathy with an added dose of spring. i was once accused of having a "crazy, spring-obsessed alter ego" (hannah's words...) i will not deny this. i would pretty much live outside right now, if there was some kind of shower system set up...

i've been walking a lot more lately. (and by lately i mean the past five-ish days. my travels have taken me to work, the store, the post-office....)
the reasons are three-fold. one, the weather is crazy good. two, gas is expensive, and i am poor. and three, i fear my lack of post-graduation plans will soon lend me to soak in self-loathing and chocolate and get really really fat. i am determined to not let this happen.


in my travels as of late i've seen some cool stuff. (well....deemed cool by me. you may choose to agree or disagree...)
  • a girl waiting patiently while her boyfriend nearly toppled over whilst admiring a pile of ants.
  • someone's yard still bedecked with an "obama/biden 2008" sign. i'm glad they still support.
  • people in various states of undress, soaking up the sun like there's no tomorrow. (there are some pasty white people in logan)
  • scooters. everywhere. EVERYWHERE. i am so filled with jealousy. it's entirely possible i spent equal amounts of time today writing my paper and looking at mopeds on KSL.
  • cute old men and old ladies walking their dogs, or heading to the store or the bus stop. sometimes i can't wait to be elderly...
thus ends this edition of Travels With Lacy. i hope this will be a regular installment.
happy spring-ing!


  1. I love you more than I think you realize. And I say that in a sorta non-lesbian way.

  2. Don't you love spring? I wish I could live outside too! I don't know what's holding me back... I've always liked the hippie life. If you do it, let me know, and I might join you.
