Monday, June 15, 2009


i love this book

imagine my excitement when i heard news of its imminent movie production.

as far as expectations go, this movie could be great or really terrible. (i guess that's true of most things) but i think i would have higher hopes if it was being made by tim burton, or a post-mortem jim henson.

on second thought, scratch that last one. labyrinth gives me the creeps.

anyway here's the trailer for it.

yeah. it could be really cheesy.
i also feel obligated to include this trailer, a clear satire. i would pay good money to watch this.


  1. Josh and I have watched that trailer a bajillion times. It's great and I can not wait to see it! what the crap do you have against Labyrinth?! You know how much I love Hoggle and the Goblin King. This just put a small wedge in our friendship Davis.

  2. Hahahah, yes. I'm kind of speechless. Those both just look incred. ible.
