Tuesday, June 2, 2009


recent (awesome) purchases i have made

a joint purchase (mine is the smaller of the two). they can nest!
a bicycle mobile. needs no further description (such would muddy its awesome)

my very first lamp. it's proximity to the mobile requires their friendship. i love keys. i haven't decided what to do with these yet. generic nutella, nestled between neil and betty, my houseplants. an unintentional purchase. i ordered 'stranger than fiction' and instead received this cd. prayers of a ragamuffin is the newest release from christian rock group A Ragamuffin Band. i've since been inspired by their ability to insert the word ragamuffin repeatedly into their lyrics. when i inquired into this matter i was delighted to find out i can keep this compact disk free of charge. happy day. : )

1 comment:

  1. Those tables are lovely! I love that you've hung up the bicycle mobile. I also love your lamp even though it was not put together the best...sorry about that...
