Friday, March 27, 2015

January in Review.

Aaaaand January.

- Pizza record store day! We went to the Pie and Randy's Records with Kay and Andy (Brian's sister and BIL). Norah was moderately impressed. (see above)

- We started the process of apartment hunting. I think we only looked at three places? It felt like more than that, because apartment hunting is the worst.

- I went to a baby-wearing meeting. Norah out-chunked most of the babies there and also had the biggest poop explosion ever. Her onesie actually vibrated from the force of it. So amazing.

- Norah seems to hit milestones a bit faster than expected. True to form, she hit her 4 month sleep regression at 3 months! Smart girl. I started sleeping with her on the couch to get some sleep and on the weekends Brian joined us on the air mattress. Family sleepovers!

- I went back to work. There were tears (only mine, Norah was fine) and some creative carpooling the first week due to my stupid-ass car being the worst thing that ever existed. Poor Brian was pulling over an hour of commuting each way and we had to leave the house by 6:30. Nightmarish. Anyway. Norah was a champ and adjusted quite well to daycare. And I was a champ and didn't cry at seeing the terrible state my desk had been left in by my replacement. I am writing this in March and can say that going to work now is super normal. And it's nice to have a span of time where I'm not getting spit up on or having to entertain someone while I'm using the bathroom. However, I sure miss that Norah Bee allllll day long. I'm so lucky that I only work three days a week. It's kind of the perfect set up for us.

- Because of the horrible, terrible, no good car situation, we decided to be grown-ups and get a car from a dealer instead of whatever wierdo on KSL wanted to take our money. It's a 2005 Camry, so not fancy by most people's standards. But it's by far the nicest car Brian or I have ever owned, so driving it makes us feel way more upper middle class than we actually are.

- We had a cereal taste testing night. Everyone brought some cereal to compare and we ate away. Our findings were that most people preferred cocoa pebbles to cocoa krispies, and that the Kroger version of lucky charms was really not great.

- Norah had her four month appointment and we left it feeling like unfit parents after finding out that she had eczema, should apparently be sleeping through the night, and had to be referred to a physical therapist for torticollis. We have since resolved or mostly resolved all those issues, and now I realize it was so not a big deal. Buuut at the time it was a huge bummer. Luckily, Norah was able to reassure us with her gummy smiles.

-  Every once in a while our friend group will split and have girls/guys nights. This past one we ate at Blue Lemon and did some shopping at City Creek. Oh and went to Hatch's! If you haven't had their hot chocolate, you should. (How's that for a catchy slogan?)

- I cleaned out my closet and got rid of approximately one crapton of stuff. It was really really refreshing.

- Did you know how full you can get from a pizza buffet? I do now, thanks to our outing to Brick Oven.

-  The gang from Pineview 34 hung out one last time before Amanda returned to her homeland of Idaho. It's a shame it was so tricky to get together this past year (I blame all the babies) because those girls are some of the best girls.

- We took Norah on her first trip to Ikea and she slept THE ENTIRE TIME. I'm talking the drive there, eating at the cafeteria, walking through the showroom floor and the buying floor, and the drive home. It was nuts. The anticipation must have just been too much for her. While there we purchased two lamps, to replace the one that tipped over and crashed into the sliding door due to an unfortunate combination of my decluttering and a cats napping spot.

Norah's first day with Jeorgi! I was so relieved she was doing well at daycare.
Cereal night!
New car! It's so uncool how much we love it.
I get as much cuddle time in as I can on my days at home.

Tagging along on a photo shoot at Wheeler.
Another picture from Jeorgi. Happy girl!

Hamming it up for her monthly photo shoot.
Finns! I want to eat their eggs benedict every day.
The best picture of Norah ever. She was so disgruntled to wake up at Winco
One, two, three, and four months!
Norah meeting all the old roommates and Dakota.
Norah got an exersaucer! She likes to scream at this bird.
And she is unsure about trying on headbands.

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