Monday, March 23, 2015

December in Review

You know the drill. What we did in December!

- Went on a family date to Kneaders and to see the lights at Temple Square. Norah slept through it, but I still think she had a great time,

- Witnessed a chai latte explosion. We had some chai latte mix and milk heating in the tea kettle and apparently let it go a minute too long. It literally exploded out the top and the spout. Like, it hit the wall that was four feet away. My response was to stand there dumbfounded while Brian turned the stove off. So I'm good to have around in times of crises. Later on I was cleaning all of our cooking utensil things (spatulas and the like) that had been splattered and I was like oh yes, we used to use these tools for the preparing of food. How nice. I felt like an archaeologist. (having a baby has made us quite the drive through aficionados. Working on it.)

- We had a super social five days in a row where we hung out with different people every night. (Does that sound braggy? Please know that we have gone a solid three weeks without hanging out with anyone besides each other. Sooooo) On our first night home and alone I think we sat and watched tv and didn't move all night. Introverts gotta introvert.

- Celebrated Friendsgiving! The food was so great and Norah spit up on EVERYTHING.

- We celebrated Jamilyn's birthday with our favorite Thai food and a literal cheese cake. (As in, a cake made with layers of cheese.)

- We put up the Christmas tree. Norah even slept for a little bit so I could help. (And three weeks later we put lights on it. And by we, I mean Brian.)

- Had a lovely taco brunch with Brian's sister and her family. They are funny and I like them. (also just go to Taqueria 57 if you haven't already because good crap. Eveyrthing they make is amazing.)

- We tried three times to make sweet potatoes correctly. We finally succeeded and I think it's because we danced around to a K-Ci and JoJo song while they were cooking. ("Crazy." Obviously.)

- We did our traditional Christmas Eve of getting hot chocolate and driving around to see lights followed by Christmas tacos. Norah was too excited for Christmas to sleep, which was a new tradition.

- We got to have Friendsmas on actual Christmas day which was weird and cool.

- My family came down the day after Christmas to celebrate and we had Hotel Christmas! We stayed in a cool suite downtown for two nights and introduced my parents to Tucanos. They were super on board. We ate all the meat. And it was good.

- We managed to celebrate a third holiday with our friends in December. New Friends Eve consisted of an appetizer meal, Die Hard (do not get me started), champagne cake and a baby who stayed awake for the whole party! It was a great start to 2015.

- Norah basically got cuter every day in December and I tried my best to document it.

The best thing that happened this month was the three weeks that Norah slept through the night.

The worst thing that happened this month was when her sleep regression hit and she stopped sleeping at all. Zombie Lacy for days.

Friendsgiving! (Also I'm aware that re-naming all the holidays and sticking the word 'friends' in them is at best lame and at worst hella annoying. However, I won't be stopping. Not ever.)

The best around.

Cats AND babies like Christmas trees. Is a thing I learned.
Norah and the bear her great-grandma made her.

3 months ooooold!

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