Wednesday, September 10, 2014

A babymoon, an anniversary, and other stuff.

I feel like I should maybe post something on this blog before this baby comes and changes basically my whole life. (I love being able to make really dramatic statements like this)

This has been a great and fast and full summer. I've really really liked it. And it's only ever so slightly bittersweet that it's the last summer of just Brian and I, sleeping in, playing it by ear, going to a lot of movies...and did I mention the sleeping in? And the Sunday naps? But! I know an adventure awaits us, and I really can't wait to see what our little family will be like.

I wanted to post a bunch of summer pictures and then I remembered that I somehow screwed up my phone backup. So I still have the pictures. Buuuut I have to go through them all and change the file extensions and sort them... It's a whole thing. And why I shouldn't be trusted with most electronics. But here's a few that were taken after I almost erased nearly a years worth of photos.

 Before I found out I had the diabeetus (guys, babies make your body go crazy town) Brian and I did a taste test of chocolate cereals. If you're wondering the results I prefer cocoa pebbles, and Brian prefers a mix of both.

 My awesome friends threw me the cutest baby shower. (Literally. See those rain clouds?) I also had two family showers that were really great, but I somehow didn't take any pictures of them? I'm blaming pregnancy...somehow.

 Jamilyn, Ashley and I did a Harry Potter run! The favorite things that happened were seeing a girl dressed as a snitch, another girl dressed as Dobby (sob) and being congratulated on running while pregnant by the man handing out the medals. I hung my head and said that actually I walked. (And actually I sat out for the second lap. But I omitted that part.)

 I've always seen pictures of cats lounging in sinks and after 3 years of life, Oskar finally did it. It hasn't happened since, so I'm glad I have this photo evidence.

 We went on a babymoon to Park City. It was all kinds of relaxing. We watched a lot of food network, rejoiced in a giant jetted tub, perused main street, ate a lot of good food, and went to Olympic Park. Perfect vacation was perfect.

Just a shout out to my awesome husband. I sure do like him.

 I love when I catch them cuddling. They're weirdly secretive about it.

 We sadly had to put both of our cars down in the space of about two months, so we both got to spend some time at the DMV. Fingers crossed both of our new (to us) cars last for a while.

 I learned that a "purrito" was a thing, and promptly tried it out on Wallace. Don't let her face fool you, she loved it. (I've also tried out my baby wrap on her and she is a fan)

 The day before our anniversary we went to visit the park where we got engaged.

 And on our actual anniversary day we slept in, enjoyed that it was a holiday and we didn't have to work, went to breakfast, did some mall shopping, swam, took a nap, and had some delicious pizza at Settebellos. We also finally remembered to bust out some of our wedding cake and it was really great! I wouldn't have guessed it was two years old.

We went on the girliest of girls nights in Provo and got manicures, ate pizza, bought some makeup, and had the best snocones ever at Yuki. (they make their own flavors out of actual fruits and veggies and it's just amazing)

I'm starting to make functional use of this belly.

This summer we've spent a lot of time with these cool people. (This particular photo was from our 4th of July backyard camp-out) Having such awesome friends is seriously my favorite. Finding such a perfect mix of people is so rare I think, and we're so lucky to have them in our lives. This got a little more sappy than I intended, but I will again blame pregnancy. I just feel like if you could listen in to some of our hours long after dinner conversations you would understand. And probably judge us a little...

And here's the bump in all it's 37 weeks glory. Feel free to come out anytime Norah Jane. A lot of people are excited to meet you.

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