Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Things that make me anxious.

When I accidentally go out the IN door.

When I want to change something about a food order.

If my windshield wipers are going faster than other cars.

Saving seats.

Trying to find a bathroom in restaurants.

Going through security at the airport.

When there's someone behind me when I'm waiting to turn.

When someone knocks on the door.

Ordering food at Zupas or Cafe Rio.

Finding a parking spot downtown.

Using public bathrooms.

Making small talk with hair dressers.

Trying to return things.

Meeting someone at a restaurant.

Being 6 months pregnant.

Doubting things.

Cooking for other people.

1 comment:

  1. I relate to so many things on this list! I came across another thing that makes me anxious yesterday, and thought of this blog post: people in mascot costumes. :)
