Wednesday, May 22, 2013

odds and ends

you know what's awesome? when you hr rep has also put in their two weeks notice and almost high fives you when you put in yours.

you know what's awkward? being so nervous to tell the people in your office that you're quitting that you send the email and then run off to the bathroom before anyone reads it. (true story)

I've been having weird back pains and it seriously took five months of them, a doctor's visit, a recommendation to see a physical therapist, and like 57 google searches to finally realize that the issue was stemming from sitting at my desk for too long. i've been setting a timer to make sure I walk around every 30 minutes and the issue is basically gone. ridiculous, right?

my brother is graduating today, which i  just cannot wrap my head around. I wonder if their graduation party is also going to be an all nighter at the logan fun center. can I just tell you that rollerblading at 4 in the morning is maybe the best thing ever?

really the only time I see anyone in my complex is when I take oskar outside to play. or the other day when I was leaving and loudly telling brian that i love LOVED him and came face to face with like five people in the hallway. so probably people have a really great impression of me.

wallace the cat loves being held like this. seriously. she'll rub against my leg and emit her weird squeak meow (cat never learned how to meow properly. it's weird and adorable) until i pick her up. it's pretty convenient for days when i want to cuddle a baby but don't actually want to be in charge of keeping one alive yet.

i made myself go running again last night. and since i know you're all really invested in my life i thought you should know.

1 comment:

  1. i always love reading posts like this - where people reveal those tid-bits about their lives or their day. your cat is adorable, and i have been forcing myself to run on a treadmill my husband hauled into our garage... what is it about spring that makes you, make yourself run?
