Thursday, February 14, 2013

happy day of love and stuff!

last year i mentioned how valentine's day is not my favorite holiday. and while i don't think it could ever get top billing (especially with halloween and christmas as such strong contenders) i'm really doing my best to give valentine's day a second chance.
i mean valentine's day is all about candy right? i love candy. and cookies. i've eaten two valentine cookies already today, and i have a third waiting for me in the wings. and by wings i mean behind my computer monitor so i can't see it, and maybe will forget about it. (not super likely)
valentine's day (from what i gather) is also about love and stuff. and while i'm a firm believer in expressing love all the time and not just on a certain day of the year, i guess there's nothing wrong with having a special occasion to express love to people.
last year i wrote this letter to brian on this very blog.
dear brw,
i count the official beginning of our relationship as halloween, which is one of my favorite holidays. you named my cat (so perfectly), and have filled my ipod with hours and hours of musical enjoyment. i like the words you say, and the way you play guitar, and i'm excited to go on more adventures with you. Happy Not-Cheesy Valentines Day!
and here's his blog-letter for this year.
dear husband,
you make me happy all of the days. we've had a lot of adventures together so far and i can't even imagine how exciting our future is going to be. thank you for being my husband. and thank you for always kissing me right when i walk in the door. thank you for always putting in the dvds and for cleaning the litterbox. thank you for making me eggs in a basket and never getting sick of eating breakfast for dinner. every day i get to spend with you is a good one. i love you!
happy valentine's day everyone. i like you all a whole lot.

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