Wednesday, October 10, 2012

things married people do. (based on recent experience)

- become obsessed with Lana Del Ray

- start watching cougar town

- almost adopt another cat

- go on a lot of walks

- convince their wives to get out of their snuggly beds for a late night orange juice and candy run.

- go to a laundromat with a name too embarassing to utter

- eat an entire can of orange rolls over the course of two conference sessions

- get extremely excited about ikea runs and the assembling of ikea furniture (that may fall more to the husbands proclivities..)

- torture their friends and family by not posting their wedding pictures yet


  1. word to your mother on the last one.

  2. Were the orange rolls in the peely can that pops? Lois used to call me to come and open those for her.

    1. they are! and i make brian open them, because i don't like being startled...
