Tuesday, September 25, 2012

awkward and awesome.


hanging outside with oskar when a neighbor walked out of his apartment and over to the side of the complex. he came back zipping up his pants and headed back inside. oh hey, i'm just reading. also, does your apartment not have a bathroom? cause mine does.

that same neighbor being in the hallway when i was carrying oskar inside and asking if he was my cat. umm. yes.

waking up to an old gravely voice yelling "BobbAY" outside our bedroom window. (please query brian for an exact re-enactment of this occurance)

getting a lecture for the entire duration of my haircut on how terrible my ends are. yes, maybe i've let my hair slide a little this summer. but also, you gave me a lopsided haircut, so maybe you should keep your opinions to yourself.

minding my own business and waiting to cross the street when someone offered me a slice of bacon from the window of their car. you know. like people do.

having an entry in my google search history be "cat depression"


walking around downtown on a recent date night and encountering some really awesome street musicians. they had managed a crowd at 8:30 on a monday night, that's how cool they were.

being married. for serious.

getting my period! maybe an overshare, but i think any newly married girl who has previously never had to worry about the possibility of being pregnant would echo my sentiments.

finally seeing the head and the heart with brian. (and bryan john appleby. who we were supposed to see a long time ago, but that was maybe the same weekend i decided we should take a break....anyway. you should look him up, he's incredible.)

going to a fall equinox party. i celebrated by eating a lot of hotdogs and s'mores and getting a reeeeally good campfire smell. because....fall.

going to an snl party on the same night and being reunited with our favorite newly married couple. (maybe sitting and watching tv doesn't qualify as a party to you, but that's why we're probably not friends)

almost waking up brian in the middle of the night because i found it so important to tell him we need to buy the seasons of parks and rec on cyber monday.


  1. I had to hop over from google reader just to comment.

    1. Your neighbor sounds awesome.
    2. YOU TURNED DOWN BACON? Lacy, total legit people handout bacon from their car. Don't ask me how I know this...
    3. Yay for periods! I got just mine and there was definitely a sigh of relief.
    4. Don't you love that waking up Brian in the middle of the night is an option?! Ya for marriage!

    You are my favorite and these posts are my favorite.

    1. i just like you so much B. Don't you forget it.

      hooray for us both being without child!!

      aaaaaaalso. i need to see your face ASAP.

  2. Haha, I love that someone offered you bacon from their car. I hope they had a George Foreman with 'em [...and hopefully didn't grill their foot.]

    Also, I remember feeling that way right after I got married -- PERIOD! YES! Never been happier to see it! It's funny, cause right after you have a kid, it's kinda back to that. :)

    Oh, AND you & Hailey were in my dream last night! I think we were at a play or concert or something. Random & awesome? Yes.
