Monday, April 11, 2011


please ignore my blog title, as this is in no way a humble brag. it's just a brag.

but the thing is, this is the coolest i've ever been in my life. and likely, it's the coolest i'll ever be.

reasons being thus:

in my wallet there's a ticket for the arcade fire concert tonight.

on my dresser i have a packet containing my coachella wristband.

i just bought purple pants.

life can't get much better.


  1. Purple pants????? I don't think we can be friends anymore. Not because purple pants aren't cool, but because purple pants ARE cool and I can't live up to that. I've become your dorky (not nerdy) little friend.


  2. If Brittany has become the dork than what does that leave me as? I'm concerned.

  3. LOL! purple pants and purple in your hair???? What are we going to do with you? You're getting crazy on me! Did you know Erin was at the arcade fire concert?
