Thursday, August 12, 2010

this song explains why I'm leaving home to become a stewardess

holy week.

otherwise known as, good crap a lot of stuff has gone down in a very short amount of time.

observe the following list.

  • babies (two of them) were born on monday. Lillian and Sophie are the newest objects of my affection. i didn't realize i could love something so much that wasn't created by Ben & Jerry. (kudos to the mangelsons for making the cutest babies i've ever seen)
  • my lovely friend's equally lovely grandma passed away. i loved hearing more about her amazing life, and i know she will be missed.
  • half my possessions were moved back to idaho. cut to me sitting bewildered in the middle of my floor surrounded by records, shoes, books, boxes, and more pens than any one person should possess. the other half will follow shortly and the mental breakdown resulting from returning to the home of my youth will be soon after.
the rest of the week will be filled with baby visits, a funeral, pack-pack-packing, and at least one emotional breakdown. (scratch that last one, it's already been taken care of)
to quote almost famous (one of my more favorite movies) "it's all happening"

it certainly is kate hudson. it certainly is.

1 comment:

  1. I cried reading this. I cried a lot. I really really love you. And..... I wreally wreally love bacon. Haha! ;)
